United States Department of Agriculture
Research, Education, and Economics

Policies and Procedures



Title: Dissemination of Public Information by ARS
Number: 150.1 - ARS
Date: May 9, 2002
Originating Office: Information Staff, OA/ARS
This Replaces: P&P 150.1 Dated 1/29/92
Distribution: ARS Headquarters, Areas, and Field Locations




This P&P establishes policy and procedures to assist ARS employees in handling public information concerning research and other ARS activities.



Table of Content

1. Introduction and Statement of Policy
     Information Objective
     Availability of Information
     Open Door Policy
2. Authorities
3. Responsibilities and Functions of Information Staff
     Office of the Director
     Information Products and Services Branch
     Current Information Branch
4. Clearance Authorities and Responsibilities for Handling Specific Types of Information
5. Copyright
6. Cooperative Activities
     Publications by State Experiment Stations
7. Summary of Responsibilities
     Office of the Director
     Information Products and Services Branch
     Current Information Branch
8. Glossary

1.    Introduction and Statement of Policy

Information Objective

ARS is responsible for reporting to the public about its research and other activities and for aiding transfer of technology to users. The Information Staff (IS) has the responsibility for translating what ARS scientists are doing into terms the public can understand and appreciate and for communicating this information to farmers and ranchers, consumers, business people, lawmakers, Government officials, the scientific community, educational institutions, and the general public.

Availability of Information

ARS makes the information on its activities available to representatives of the communications media, organizations, individuals, and Members of Congress under an open door policy except where prohibited by legal or other restrictions. ARS seeks wide dissemination of accurate information on its activities and programs to all who might benefit from or be affected by such information.

Open Door Policy

To accomplish this open door policy, ARS employees are encouraged to:

IS will implement this open door policy by preparing and issuing news releases and other communications on ARS research and other activities. Frequently, initial releases on research are timed to coincide with publication or presentation at scientific meetings. IS discusses these special circumstances with the Administrator or designated representative.

2.    Authorities

OMB Circular 130, Management of Federal Information Resources
Department Regulations 1400-001, Information Policies; 1440-002, News Division; 1470-001, Exhibit Design; and 1480-001, Photography

3.    Responsibilities and Functions of Information Staff

IS is responsible for planning, organizing, and carrying out a comprehensive information program. The program aids public understanding of ARS aims and activities. To execute program responsibilities, certain functions are vested with the following units within IS:

        Office of the Director
        Information Products and Services Branch
        Current Information Branch

Office of the Director

Information Products and Services Branch

Current Information Branch

4.    Clearance Authorities and Responsibilities for Handling Specific Types of Information

Information materials issued to the public are cleared in the interest of technical accuracy, significance, and conformance with ARS and USDA policy. The value of information, especially press releases and other current information materials, often depends on timeliness. Many materials have stringent deadlines and must be cleared promptly.

All official information materials originated by ARS must be identified with ARS, USDA. Additional identification will be limited to the one subordinate level of ARS hierarchy that seems most pertinent to the intended use of the material.

5.    Copyright

See REE P&P 152.1, “Procedures for Publishing Manuscripts and Abstracts With Non-USDA Publishers (Outside Publishing),” Section 8.

6.    Cooperative Activities


Much of the research of ARS is conducted in cooperation with other Federal, State, or private organizations. To continue good cooperative relationships, ARS personnel will clearly recognize and give appropriate credit to those who cooperate. The Areas and IS are jointly responsible for carrying out this policy. Subject to the limitations set below, and to established procedures for clearing information, ARS employees are encouraged to cooperate with private organizations in the dissemination of factual information about ARS work.

ARS employees should make every effort to ensure that references to ARS or its employees in information materials issued or sponsored by commercial or other private organizations do not give the impression that ARS endorses a particular commercial product, favors one company or its products over others, or is in any way subservient to industry. When proprietary or brand names are used in a manuscript, add a disclaimer that “Mention of trade names or commercial products in this [article] [publication] is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.”

Publications by State Experiment Stations

Good cooperative relations require that appropriate recognition be given to State-USDA cooperation in State experiment station publications. To maintain such relations, ARS authors will:

7.    Summary of Responsibilities

Office of the Director

Information Products and Services Branch

Current Information Branch

8.    Glossary

AD. Area Director

CD. Center Director

Electronic publications. Material distributed as a finished product in a digital format, including CD-ROM, magnetic tape, floppy disk, electronically readable/viewable/transmittable files (via the internet or other telecommunications medium) and so on, is considered a publication if it would be considered a publication in print. Software and digital databases (including simulation models and expert systems) distributed as products with user and/or technical documentation or other user aids such as tutorials are regarded as publications. Online databases that are frequently updated are not publications.

External audience. The general public, including various trade organizations, user groups of a nonresearch nature, and non-USDA agencies; news media; and scientists and decisionmakers in private industry and the academic community.

IS. Information Staff

Manuscript. A scientific paper authored or coauthored by ARS scientific personnel that describes or reviews scientific research and is intended for publication as follows:

Non-USDA publishing. Print and electronic publications not published by USDA or any of its agencies. Refers mainly to scientific and technical journals, trade publications, and academic and scientific books. Where USDA or any of its agencies is listed as a cooperating publisher, the publication is considered a USDA publication (see REE P&P 151.1, “Publishing [Print and Electronic]).”

NPS. National Program Staff

Official information material. Include publications, presentations, press releases, motion pictures, audiovisual aids (photographs, color slides, exhibits, posters, audio and videotapes, and digital images), and other materials prepared for print or electronic media on official time or as part of an employee's job.

Publication. The issuance of information in printed or electronic form or (for patent purposes only) a formal presentation attended by people other that USDA employees or cooperators involved in the research.

RL. Research Leader

Acting Administrator
Agricultural Research Service