United States Department of Agriculture
Research, Education, and Economics

Policies and Procedures



Title: Furnishings and Household Goods in ARS Controlled Living Quarters
Number: 245.2-ARS
Date: July 28, 1999
Originating Office: Facilities Division, Real Property Management Branch, AFM/ARS
This Replaces: 245.2 dated 6/3/93
Distribution: ARS Headquarters, Areas, and Locations




This P&P defines the purpose regarding furnishings and household goods to be provided in nonhousekeeping quarters under control of ARS.


Table Of Contents

1. Summary
2. Authorities
3. Policy
4. Furnishings
5. Procedures
6. Summary of Responsibilities
7. Glossary


1.    Summary

This P&P defines the policy regarding furnishings and household goods to be provided in nonhousekeeping quarters under control of ARS, and provides guidelines and direction for:


2.    Authorities

For policy, procedures, and responsibilities for the use of real property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by ARS, see Real Property Manual 245.1.


3.    Policy

It is ARS policy to provide only items of equipment that would normally be provided in “unfurnished” housing or quarters. Furnishings and household goods will not be provided in housekeeping quarters controlled by ARS. Upon written justification and approval, limited furnishings and household goods may be provided in nonhousekeeping quarters at those few locations that maintain a 24-hour working staff, safety and/or mechanical servicing accommodations, or at isolated field locations where commercial hotel and sleeping facilities are not available within a reasonable distance.


4.    Furnishings

The only items of equipment approved for housekeeping quarters are cooking stoves and refrigerators.

NOTE: Repair and maintenance of items of equipment furnished under this P&P are the responsibility of the U.S. Government so long as they are attributable to normal wear and tear.


5.    Procedures

Upon receipt of a request for the acquisition of new or replacement furnishings and household goods for nonhousekeeping quarters, the following procedures are to be followed:

Location Administrative Officer

Center Director/Research Leader/Location Coordinator

Area Property Management Officer


6.    Summary of Responsibilities


Area Director

Director, Facilities Division (FD)

Area Administrative Officers

Center Directors/Research Leaders/Location Coordinators

Location Administrative Officers


7.    Glossary

ARS Facilities. Federally owned or leased land, buildings, or structures under the custody and control of ARS.

Furnishings and Household Goods. Includes, but is not limited to items of furniture (tables, chairs, beds, etc.), equipment (small electrical appliances, lamps, fans, etc.), and miscellaneous items (curtains, drapes, pictures, etc.) necessary to provide a reasonable degree of livability in personnel quarters but does not include household goods such as bed linens, blankets, cutlery, silverware, dishes, and kitchen utensils.

Maintenance. Preservation by inspection, adjustment, lubrication, cleaning, and the making of minor repairs. “Ordinary maintenance” means routine recurring work which is incidental to everyday operations; “preventive maintenance” means work programmed at scheduled intervals.

Nonhousekeeping Quarters. Occupied quarters that are seasonal, such as barracks, bunkhouses, dormitories, and transient-type quarters.

Optional Equipment and Furnishings. Includes, but is not limited to equipment (refrigerators, cooking stoves, air conditioners, etc.,) and furnishings (rugs, carpeting, etc.,) which may be provided for quarters with the approval of the CD/RL/LC.

Personnel Quarters. The housing units that the U.S. Government owns or leases and over which ARS has custody and control or otherwise serves as lessor.

Standard Equipment. Includes, but is not limited to items of equipment (water heaters, heating stoves, furnaces, etc.) and miscellaneous items (storm doors and windows, window blinds, etc.) which are installed in or affixed to the building. These items are considered part of the quarters and do not require special approval for installation or incorporation.

Unfurnished Housing. Quarters provided by ARS that do not include furnishings and household goods as indicated in this P&P.


Deputy Administrator
Administrative and Financial Management