United States Department of Agriculture
Research, Education, and Economics

Policies and Procedures



Title: Employee Organizations and Activities
Number: 464.6
Date: 9/21/1999
Originating Office: REE Policy Branch, Human Resources Division, AFM/ARS
This Replaces: ARS 464.6 dated 4/11/85
Distribution: All REE Employees




This P&P establishes and revises policies and procedures applicable to employee organizations and activities within REE.


1. Authorities
2. Employee Groups
3. Professional Associations
4. Employee Welfare and Recreation Associations
5. USDA Clubs
6. Official Facilities and Services
7. Accountability
8. Loss of Privileges
9. Summary of Responsibilities


1.    Authorities


2.    Employee Groups

Employees may form employee groups to promote the social, health, welfare, employment, or recreational interests of USDA employees. Membership is open to all persons who share an interest in the organization's purpose. These groups do not require official recognition or approval.

The following criteria applies to employee groups:

Use of Excused Absences. Employees are not entitled to an excused absence to participate in meetings or functions of employee groups. Employees attending meetings or functions held during duty hours must make advance arrangements with their supervisors for approved annual leave or leave without pay.  As an exception to this rule, in keeping with efforts to provide reasonable accommodation for employees with disabilities, supervisors may authorize limited excused absences to employees with disabilities so they can participate in functions. For example, an excused absence may be granted by the supervisor so that a disabled employee can travel to and return from a meeting being held during the lunch period.


3.    Professional Associations

Professional associations represent Federal employees and other organizations other than a labor organization and provide information, views, and services which will contribute to improved agency operations, personnel management, and employee effectiveness. Such organizations maybe an association of Federal management officials and/or supervisors, a group representing minorities, women or persons with disabilities in connection with the agencies' EEO programs and action plans, a professional association, a civic or consumer group, or an organization concerned with special social interests, and the like.

The following criteria applies to Professional Associations:

Use of Excused Absence. The following benefits apply:


4.    Employee Welfare and Recreation Associations

Welfare and Recreation Associations are formed to promote the social interests of employees. These associations are open to all employees within an organization (e.g., location, Area,interagency office facility) and work to promote better acquaintance among the employees. These associations do not require official recognition or approval.

The following criteria applies to Employee Welfare and Recreation Associations:

Use of Excused Absences. Excused absences are authorized for employees to attend meetings or functions officially approved by the Department or agency. Such functions could include organization-sponsored awards ceremonies or other Department or agency wide functions. Excused absences may also be authorized for employees who are officers or members of the Board of Directors to attend regular meetings of the organization. All excused absences must be approved by the employee's supervisor in advance.

Use of Official Name. Associations may use the name of USDA or one of the REE agencies in their name if it is made clear that the association is not an official organization of USDA.


5.    USDA Clubs

USDA and REE encourage the formation of USDA Clubs for the purpose of aiding employees to improve their service to the public. This can be accomplished through club meetings, work- related tours, public service, publicity aids, and other related activities. Sponsorship of occasional social activities is also an important part of USDA Club programs. Social functions are held outside official working hours.

Club activities should focus exclusively on USDA, not particular sub-elements, e.g., Agricultural Research Service, National Animal Disease Center). Likewise, club membership must be open to all USDA employees in the geographical area. These clubs do not require official recognition or approval.

The following criteria applies to USDA Clubs:

Use of Excused Absences. The use of limited excused absences for club meetings is justified since USDA Clubs are recognized as an integral part of management's program to improve the efficiency of Department employees. Excused absences must be approved by the employee's supervisor. Employees are urged to participate in clubs as part of their official work. Occasional social activities, although an important part of club programs, must be held outside official work hours. Excused absence should not be granted for this purpose.


6.    Official Facilities and Services

Employee groups, welfare and recreation associations, and USDA Clubs may use official facilities and services according to the following conditions:


7.    Accountability

Employee groups, welfare and recreation associations, and USDA Clubs must maintain effective control over and accountability for all funds, property, and other assets for which the association is responsible. It is recommended that each organization implement the following internal control measures:


8.    Loss of Privileges

It is the responsibility of officers and employees of an employee group, professional organization, welfare and recreation association, and USDA Club to carry on their activities according to the provisions contained in this P&P. Failure to do so, as well as other conduct or activities that are inconsistent with the stated aims of an organization, its by-laws, or the interests of the U.S. Government or its employees, may result in sanctions against the organization. This includes the suspension or revocation of any and all rights and privileges granted under this P&P.


9.    Summary of Responsibilities

Supervisors and managers



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Deputy Administrator
Administrative and Financial Management