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Jewelry Index Page

Current Exports SIC & HS Codes
Precious Metal Jewelry SIC 3911
Costume Jewelry SIC 3961
Monthly Exports  
1992-2000 Exports
Current Imports SIC & HS Codes
Precious Metal Jewelry SIC 3911
Costume Jewelry SIC 3961
Monthly Imports  
1992-2000 Imports
Industry News
Industry Outlook
Other Consumer Durables
Access the 94, 98, 99 & 2000 editions! 
Census Bureau Reports pdf reader
Statistics for Industry
Value of Product Shipments
Census Jewelry Reports
Jewelry (Except Costume)
Costume and Novelty Jewelry
Census Retail Sales
Monthly Retail Sales
Annual Retail Trade Survey 92-99
Tariff Rates
For U.S. tariffs on jewelry, visit chapter 71 of the HTS.  For international tariffs visit the TIC or call 1-800-USA-TRADE.
NAICS Information
The NAICS is replacing the SIC system. Click to learn more.  Or View a conversion chart between the SIC and NAICS codes.

For more information, contact John Harris at: John_Harris@ita.doc.gov or call: (202) 482-1178.
Last Updated on9-20-04 by JF.

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