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School, Home, & Office Products Index Page

Current Exports  HS Codes
Albums & Frames HS Codes
Binders and Related HS Codes
Business Bags & Cases HS Codes
Business Books & Forms HS Codes
Computer Accessories HS Codes
Desk Accessories HS Codes
Drafting Supplies HS Codes
Equipment & Machine HS Codes
Filing Supplies HS Codes
Furniture & Accessories HS Codes
Mailing Supplies HS Codes
Meeting & Presentation Supplies HS Codes
Office Storage Supplies HS Codes
Organizers & Planners HS Codes
Paper HS Codes
School Supplies HS Codes
Supplies & Consumables HS Codes
Tape & Adhesives HS Codes
Writing Instruments & Accessories HS Codes

Current Imports HS Codes
Albums & Frames HS Codes
Binders and Related HS Codes
Business Bags & Cases  HS Codes
Business Books & Forms HS Codes
Computer Accessories HS Codes
Desk Accessories HS Codes
Drafting Supplies HS Codes
Equipment & Machine HS Codes
Filing Supplies HS Codes
Furniture & Accessories HS Codes
Mailing Supplies HS Codes
Meeting & Presentation Supplies HS Codes
Office Storage Supplies HS Codes
Organizers & Planners HS Codes
School Supplies HS Codes
Social Accessories HS Codes
Supplies & Consumables HS Codes
Tape & Adhesives  HS Codes
Writing Instruments & Accessories HS Codes

Tariff Rates NAICS Information Industry Association
For U.S. tariffs on SHOPA products, visit the HTS.  For international tariffs visit the TIC or call 1-800-USA-TRADE. The NAICS is replacing the SIC system. Click to learn more.  Or View a conversion chart between the SIC and NAICS codes. This page is provided for the U.S. school, home & office products industries. To learn more, visit the SHOPA website.

For more information, contact Jim Rice at: Jim_Rice@ita.doc.gov or call: (202) 482-1176.

Last Updated on 9-20-04 by J Ferman.

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