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Regional Accounts Methodologies

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Overview of the regional programs
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Comprehensive revision and analytical Survey articles
Methodologies for the regional programs
Definitions, geography, BEA user group program, and other information
Description Title Source Format

Methodologies from other publications Gross State Product
A Windows help file containing technical notes, contact information, frequently asked questions, and links to Gross State Product articles.
June 2003 Windows Help File (107kb)
State Personal Income, 1997–2002
(Unpublished; updated on the web site July 2004.) There is a section concerning alternative measures of household income. Previous state personal income methodologies are also available: State Personal Income, 1996–2001, State Personal Income, 1929–97
July 2004 PDF
Local Area Personal Income, 1996–2002
(Unpublished; updated on the web site July 2004.) There is a section concerning alternative measures of county employment and wages. Previously local area personal income methodologies are also available: Local Area Personal Income, 1995–2001, Local Area Personal Income, 1969–2000
July 2004 PDF
Regional Multipliers: A User Handbook for the Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II), Third Edition March 1997 PDF (684kb) or HTML
Bureau of Economic Analysis is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce Logo U.S. Department of Commerce