As directed by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management & Comptroller [OSAS (FM&C)], ALMC is required to charge tuition of non-DOD agencies employees, nonappropriated fund (NAF) employees and DOD contractors.  Tuition charges are not waiverable.  Currently, tuition is $66 per class day and subject to change.  (For tuition rates for corresponcence courses, see Programs Section at Web site  Space-available acceptance for non-DOD agencies and DOD contractors does not preclude payment of tuition.  The ALMC budget point of contact can be reached at DSN 539-4109/4105 or (804) 765-4109/4105.  Checks and DD Form 448, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) are acceptable methods of payment.  Checks should be made payable to the Treasurer of the United States.  Documents should be faxed to DSN 539-4574/(804) 765-4574 or mailed to:




FORT LEE VA 23801-1705

Non-DOD students will forward a copy of the completed DD Form 1556, Request, Authorization, Agreement, Certification of Training and Reimbursement; Standard Form 182 or equivalent, with complete funding certification, billing address, point of contact for billing purposes, and telephone number to the address identified above. DOD contractor students will forward a copy of the DD Form 1556, or equivalent, with a Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) certification that the training is required in order for the contractor to accomplish the Government contract.

Training officers (ATRRS VR Display Table 15) and course directors (Fort Lee Form 414) need to ensure students are coded as Non-DOD or contractor to facilitate collection of tuition. 

Military Personnel and Civilian Employees of Foreign Governments.  Reimbursement rates are established according to the guidance published in Joint Security Assistance Training Regulation 12-15 and in supplemental instructions. Separate rates are provided for students in a Foreign Military Sales Training or International Military Education and Training status. These rates are revised periodically and are published by the Defense Security Assistance Agency in Foreign Military Sales and Military Assistance Program Articles and Services Lists.