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Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (NGB-EO)

Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights Seal The NGB Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights is organized as a joint staff office of the National Guard Bureau to serve as the focal point for all National Guard military, civilian, and technician Equal Opportunity and Equal Employment Opportunity policies, programs and issues.

Mission: Ensure combat readiness of all National Guard personnel by fostering an environment of respect, growth, and human dignity through compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended in 1972.

Function: National Guard Bureau of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights will provide leadership with direction, administration, management, and policy implementation to National Guard Equal Opportunity military and technician (civilian) Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Civil Rights programs to both Army and Air Force. NGB Office of EO and Civil Rights will ensure the effective management of National Guard Affirmative Action Programs that will achieve military and civilian work force structure reflecting the diverisfication of the 54 states and territories. Achieving these goals will further promote the National Guard Human Goals charter and regulations as well as Federal Civil Rights laws and regulations.

Contact Information

Information/Hotline phone number: 1-800-371-0617
Email: Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights Information
Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights

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2004 National Guard Bureau