Harpers Ferry National Historical ParkPhoto of Harpers Ferry from Maryland Heights
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Online Image Database

USE OUR SEARCHABLE ONLINE IMAGE DATABASE to locate and view historic photographs, technical drawings, rare postcards, and contemporary images from Harpers Ferry. You may search our database by interpretive theme, geographic location, collection topic, year, or keyword. By combining different search criteria, you can create powerful image searches.

Use our online image database to locate rare images of John Brown's Fort, major floods, the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Storer College, and many other historic sites in and around Harpers Ferry. [Search our Online Image Collection].


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Aerial View of Harpers Ferry

Use our interactive aerial photograph to familiarize yourself with the geography of the Harpers Ferry area and to learn more about the many different stories at this place. This interactive photograph links park locations to a set of eight historic and contemporary photographs, and each park location is accompanied by a detailed description. [View an aerial photograph of Harpers Ferry].


Special Image Collections

These special image collections present many of the people, events, and valuable park resources that have made Harpers Ferry such a significant part of our national heritage.

James H. Burton Armory Drawings
The James H. Burton Armory Drawings contain detailed oversized drawings and pencil sketches from the Harpers Ferry Armory. Many of the drawings are the work of James H. Burton, who served as machinist, foreman, and Acting Master Armorer at Harpers Ferry between 1844-1854.

Memorable Floods at Harpers Ferry
Situated at the confluence of two major rivers, Harpers Ferry has endured over two centuries of flooding.

Waterpower at Harpers Ferry
Explore the legacy of waterpower in 19th century Harpers Ferry. Learn about the different technologies used by millwrights to extract power from the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers. View exhibits on conventional water wheels, tub wheels, outward flow turbines, and mixed flow turbines.

Potomac Power Plant
The Potomac Power Plant, conveniently situated at the foot of the old Armory Canal, has been the site of several water-powered manufactories spanning over 150 years. Musket barrels, wood pulp, and electricity have all been produced here at one time or another.


Shenandoah Pulp Mill ruins
Pulp mill ruins along the Shenandoah shoreline

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Last Updated: Wednesday, 07-Apr-04 14:54:37
Author: David T. Gilbert