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Senate Majority Leader Frist Submits Republican Committee Assignments
Senate Resolution 18 names committee membership and chairmen

By Stephen LaRocque
Washington File staff writer

Washington - Senate Majority Leader William Frist (Republican of Tennessee) has submitted the Republican committee line-up for the 108th Congress.

Frist introduced Senate Resolution 18 (S. Res. 18) January 14. The resolution lists the Republicans to be assigned to the various Senate committees.

Once the Senate approves the proposed resolution, the new committee assignments would take affect.

According to S. Res. 18, Senator John Warner (Virginia) would be the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, which would have 13 Republicans. He was the ranking minority member of the committee in the latter part of the 107th Congress.

The other Republicans on the committee in descending seniority are: Senator John McCain (Arizona); Senator James Inhofe (Oklahoma); Senator Pat Roberts (Kansas); Senator Wayne Allard (Colorado); Senator Jeff Sessions (Alabama); Senator Susan Collins (Maine); Senator John Ensign (Nevada); Senator James Talent (Missouri); Senator Saxby Chambliss (Georgia); Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina); Senator Elizabeth Dole (North Carolina); and Senator John Cornyn (Texas).

Senator Richard Lugar (Indiana) would become the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. That panel would have ten Republicans. Joining Lugar on the committee in descending seniority would be: Senator Charles Hagel (Nebraska); Senator Lincoln Chafee (Rhode Island); Senator George Allen (Virginia); Senator Sam Brownback (Kansas); Senator Michael Enzi (Wyoming); Senator George Voinovich (Ohio); Senator Lamar Alexander (Tennessee); Senator Norm Coleman (Minnesota); and Senator James Sununu (New Hampshire).

Senator Pat Roberts, the fourth ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, would become the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which would have nine Republicans.

Joining Roberts in descending order of seniority would be Senator Orrin Hatch (Utah); Senator Michael DeWine (Ohio); Senator Christopher Bond (Missouri); Senator Trent Lott (Mississippi); Senator Olympia Snowe (Maine); Senator Charles Hagel, the second ranking Republican member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; and Senator John Warner, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

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