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Powell Leads State Department Ceremony to Remember 9/11 Victims
Asks colleagues to also remember Sweden's foreign minister

Secretary of State Colin Powell, at an early morning commemorative event at the State Department September 11 to remember those killed and injured in the terror attacks on the United States two years ago, said, "together, we honor the souls from 90 nations who perished at the Twin Towers in New York, at the Pentagon and in a Pennsylvania field.

"They were men and women of every continent, culture and creed -- of every region, race and religion. Our prayers are with the families and friends of the fallen.

"Our thoughts also are with the families and friends of all those around the world who have lost loved ones to terrorism from Madrid to Moscow and Manila, from Bali to Baghdad and Bogota, from Karachi to Riyadh and Nairobi, from Jerusalem to Dar es Salaam and Amman.

"So many -- too many -- lands have been scarred by the truly global scourge of terrorism," Powell said.

"As we pause today to remember and honor the victims of September 11th, 2001, may we also pledge our untiring vigilance and unrelenting resolve against terrorism.

"We, the men and women of the Department of State, can pay no greater tribute to their memory than to work with good people across the globe to build a world of peace, prosperity and freedom where terrorism cannot thrive," he said.

Powell began his remarks by asking colleagues to remember Sweden's Foreign Minister Anna Lindh, who died early September 11 after reportedly being stabbed repeatedly September 10 while shopping in downtown Stockholm.

"Before we begin our own commemoration," Powell said, "I would ask that in your thoughts and prayers today you keep in mind Foreign Minister Anna Lindh of Sweden, who I have worked very closely with and so many of you know, who was tragically killed yesterday. May your thoughts and prayers be with the people of Sweden and with her family and with her children."

Following is a transcript of Powell's remarks

September 11, 2003

ACTING DIRECTOR GENERAL WHITESIDE: Welcome, and thank all of you for joining all of us and the State Department family, Secretary Powell and Mrs. Powell, on this very important day.

We are here to join the worldwide family of freedom, to remember the events of this day, and to honor the heroes and victims.

I ask you now to join Secretary Powell as he leads us in the commemoration and reflection on this day.

SECRETARY POWELL: Thank you very much, Ruth, and I am so pleased to see such a good turnout here today.

Before we begin our own commemoration, I would ask that in your thoughts and prayers today you keep in mind Foreign Minister Anna Lindh of Sweden, who I have worked very closely with and so many of you know, who was tragically killed yesterday. May your thoughts and prayers be with the people of Sweden and with her family and with her children.

Today, aptly designated by Congress as Patriot Day, the men and women of the Department of State join their fellow Americans, and people across the globe who cherish freedom, in commemorating the second anniversary of the September 11th attacks.

I have the honor to read to you the proclamation from the United States President:

"Two years ago, more than 3,000 innocent people lost their lives when a calm September morning was shattered by terrorists driven by hatred and destruction.

"On that day, and in its aftermath, we saw the greatness of America in the bravery of victims; in the heroism of first responders who laid down their lives to save others; in the compassion of people who stepped forward to help those they had never met; and in the generosity of millions of Americans who enriched our country with acts of service and kindness.

"Since that day, we have seen the greatness of America further demonstrated in the courage of our brave men and women in uniform who have served and sacrificed in Afghanistan, in Iraq, and around the world to advance freedom and prevent terrorist attacks on America.

"As we remember September 11th, 2001, we reaffirm the vows made in the earliest hours of our grief and anger.

"As liberty's home and defender, America will not tire, will not falter, and will not fail in fighting for the safety and security of the American people and a world free from terrorism.

"We will continue to bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to them. This Patriot Day, we hold steady to this task."

Signed, George W. Bush.

Fellow members of our State Department family, together, we honor the souls from 90 nations who perished at the Twin Towers in New York, at the Pentagon and in a Pennsylvania field.

They were men and women of every continent, culture and creed -- of every region, race and religion. Our prayers are with the families and friends of the fallen.

Our thoughts also are with the families and friends of all those around the world who have lost loved ones to terrorism from Madrid to Moscow and Manila, from Bali to Baghdad and Bogota, from Karachi to Riyadh and Nairobi, from Jerusalem to Dar es Salaam and Amman.

So many -- too many -- lands have been scarred by the truly global scourge of terrorism.

On this day two years ago, our homeland and the world witnessed acts of unimaginable horror and unforgettable heroism, of unspeakable cruelty and uncommon compassion.

But we did not just react in grief and rage. Under President Bush's leadership, we took decisive action.

Led by the United States, nations all around the globe have come together in an historic worldwide effort to wipe terrorism from the face of the Earth.

Faithful friends and former foes alike have united against terror and we are bringing every tool of statecraft to bear against it -- military, intelligence, law enforcement, financial and most certainly diplomatic.

President Bush and I are proud of the crucial contributions that the men and women of the Department of State are making each day to the global anti-terror effort.

You have helped to build an unprecedented international coalition against terror that has saved countless lives.

Your work with counterparts in countries all over the world ensures that it is harder for terrorists to support their operations, to move about, to find sanctuary, to communicate, to plot and to acquire deadly new weapons.

You can take great satisfaction in the fact that the men and women of American diplomacy are helping the liberated peoples of Afghanistan and Iraq rejoin the international community and build a future free from fear and full of hope.

President Bush and I are acutely aware of the dangers and sacrifices that your work for our country entails, not just for you but also for your families.

Many of you have been uprooted by evacuations.

Some of you serve in high-risk non-dependent posts, separated from your loved ones out of concern for their safety. Our State Department family has lost precious members to terrorism, Americans and foreign nationals alike. Their loss, too, we mourn today. We remember them today.

Yet, just as surely as do our sons and daughters in uniform, all around the globe, the dedicated men and women of American diplomacy join them to perform their vital mission on freedom's frontlines.

As we pause today to remember and honor the victims of September 11th, 2001, may we also pledge our untiring vigilance and unrelenting resolve against terrorism.

We, the men and women of the Department of State, can pay no greater tribute to their memory than to work with good people across the globe to build a world of peace, prosperity and freedom where terrorism cannot thrive.

May the souls of the fallen rest in God's grace,

May God bless you and your families,

And may God bless America.

And now, I ask you all to join me in a moment of silence.

(A moment of silence was observed.)

Thank you. Take care, and God bless you all.

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