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Secretary Powell Mourns Death of U.S. Ambassador Richard C. Brown

Secretary of State Colin Powell has issued a statement noting the recent death of U.S. Ambassador Richard C. Brown.

In his April 14 statement, Powell expressed "great sadness" over Brown's death, and he summarized the highlights of the ambassador's career within both the Department of State and the Department of Defense.

"Until very recently, Ambassador Brown served as senior area advisor for the Western Hemisphere at the United Nations General Assembly, where he actively promoted U.S. foreign policy initiatives in cooperation with our neighbors in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Canada," Powell recalled.

After serving as deputy assistant secretary of defense for inter-American affairs at the Pentagon, Brown had served as ambassador to Uruguay, among other postings. "He received the Secretary's Distinguished Service Award, as well as many commendations from both the State and Defense Departments, for his superior service," Powell said.

Following is the text of Powell's statement on the death of Ambassador Brown

Office of the Spokesman

April 14, 2004

Statement by Secretary of State Colin L. Powell

Death of U.S. Ambassador Richard C. Brown

It is with great sadness that I note the death of U.S. Ambassador Richard C. Brown.

Ambassador Brown was popular with and deeply respected by his State Department colleagues. Among his many contributions, Ambassador Brown will be remembered for his role as the Executive Secretary of the Accountability Review Board looking into the bombing of our embassies in Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam in 1998. During the 1990s, he also served as Senior Coordinator for the Summit of the Americas, where he headed the special staff formed to coordinate the U.S. government's policy positions and implement the Summit's Special Action Plan. Until very recently, Ambassador Brown served as Senior Area Advisor for the Western Hemisphere at the United Nations General Assembly, where he actively promoted U.S. foreign policy initiatives in cooperation with our neighbors in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Canada.

Ambassador Brown's distinguished career with the State Department began in 1963. Before being named Ambassador to Uruguay, he served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Inter-American Affairs at the Pentagon. He had previous assignments in Uruguay, Brazil, Mauritius, Barcelona, and Vietnam. Ambassador Brown headed the Grenada Task Force, which planned and implemented the military rescue mission in 1983 and 1984. He received the Secretary's Distinguished Service Award, as well as many commendations from both the State and Defense Departments, for his superior service.

We extend our deepest condolences to Ambassador Brown's wife, Ann, and to his family.

Embassy of the United States