United States Embassy
Tokyo, Japan
State Department Seal
Welcome to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo. This site contains information on U.S. policy,
public affairs, visas and consular services.

American Centers
September 11th Donations

September 17, 2001

On behalf of all Americans, I would like to convey our very sincere condolences to the families and friends of those, here in Japan and around the world, who lost loved ones in the unspeakable terrorist attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. The staff of the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo and its Consulates in Japan and I also wish to express our gratitude to the people of Japan for their numerous expressions of sympathy and condolence.

     Ambassador Howard H. Baker
     September 17, 2001

Many people have asked the Embassy how to send donations to the victims of the terrorist attacks. The U.S. Embassy and its Consulates cannot receive any donations on their behalf, but we can suggest that donations be made through reputable charity organizations. While we cannot recommend any specific charity, a partial list is provided below:

American Red Crosshttp://helping.org/wtc/redcross_special.adp  (Tel: 800-435-7669)

NY Fraternal Order of Police Fund: (The United Way of New York City) http://www.uwnyc.org/640/index.html  (Tel: 800-710-8002)

United Way September 11th Fund, Two Park Avenue New York, NY 10016

September 11th Fund: http://helping.org/wtc/11th.adp 

(Organized by the New York Community Trust and United Way of New York City)

International Association of Fire Fighters: http://www.iaff.org 

New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund,

1750 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC 20006

New York State Fraternal Order of Police Fund: http://www.nysfop.org 

(Tel: 888-697-1367) 911 Police Plaza, WTC Fund, Hicksville, NY 11801

Feed the Children: http://www.christianity.com/feedthechildren  (Tel: 800-525-7575) Disaster Relief New York, Feed the Children, P.O. Box 36, Oklahoma City, OK 73101

Catholic Charities USA: http://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/donation/donation.htm 

Salvation Army: http://www.salvationarmy.org 

P.O. Box 269, 615 Slaters Lane, Alexandria, VA 22313