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Text: Helms Statement Announcing He Will Retire in 2003

Following is the text of Helms' statement, as released by the committee office.

Statement of U. S. Senator Jesse Helms
Raleigh, North Carolina
August 22, 2001

A few weeks ago, my best friend handed me a clipping quoting a 1973 statement by a longtime friend of a great many of us, Senator Sam J. Ervin, Jr., now deceased.

Dot Helms suggested -- instructed may be a better word -- that I share it with you on an appropriate occasion, and this is it.

It was six days before Christmas in 1973. Unless he were to run again in 1974, Senator Ervin's Senate career would end on January 3, 1975. It was on that December day that Senator Ervin issued a public statement that ended speculation as to whether he would or wouldn't seek reelection.

Senator Ervin didn't run again in 1974, and he later explained:

"There's one inescapable reality that no man can ignore, and that is that time takes a terrific toll, which is of an increasing nature with those who live many years."

Then, Senator Ervin added: "I would hate to be in the Senate and have to, in Kipling's words, force my heart and nerves and sinew to serve their turn long after they're gone."

Now then: except for the fact that I am now already a few years older than Senator Ervin was when he made his December 13,1973, announcement (that he would not run for reelection in 1974) my family has counseled me that my situation, today, is not materially different from what Senator Ervin said in 1973, "Intellectual honesty compels me to confront this inescapable reality" (that if he ran again he would be almost 85 in 1980 when his distinguished Senate career would end).

The point is: I would be 88 if I ran in 2002 -- and was elected and lived to finish a sixth term.

This, my family and I have decided, unanimously, I should not do, and I shall not. That is my formal announcement.

You see, if my health continues to be good when my present (fifth) term ends at the 2002 adjournment sine die of the 1071 Congress, I'll be 81 years old.

I will then have served 30 years as a Senator from North Carolina, longer than any other Senator elected by the people of North Carolina, (and not in my wildest imagination did it ever occur to me that such a privilege would ever be mine!)

To those who may be preparing news reports about this decision that my family and I have made, I will genuinely appreciate your considering doing me a few favors:

1) Make clear my gratitude that I have been blessed -- since the day I arrived in the Senate January 3, 1973 -- with having had the finest, hardest working, most dedicated young people serving with me every moment I've been a Senator. They have joined with us because they are conservative, God-fearing young people, genuinely willing to help all North Carolinians who, in so many instances, have had crises in their lives , and who have turned to us for help.

Without hesitation, and without fail, these young folks (we call ourselves the Helms Senate Family) often work around the clock -- and many times through their week-ends to help people needing a helping hand.

It has been they, this Helms Senate Family, who have unfailingly made certain that the estimated 150,000 North Carolinians (or more) and many citizens from other states who brought their problems to us, were served promptly -- with genuine interest in making certain that the problems were solved if at all possible.

As early members of our Senate Family have moved on (to responsibilities with other branches of the government, or with businesses, or educational institutions) new young people were eager to join in our efforts to serve the citizens of our state and nation. What a blessing!

I love these young people and all of them have known it -- whether they have served in our offices in Raleigh or Hickory or Washington. Today, their careers are all over the landscape -- federal judges, teachers, business leaders, bankers -- some have gone to theological schools -- and now some are top advisors to President Bush.

Needless to say, Dot and I have thanked the Lord countless times for those remarkable young men and women.

2) I often shared a commitment with young people -- a commitment I made to myself on Election Night 1972. My commitment that night was that I would never, ever fail to meet with a young person or a group of young people who wanted to meet me. That 1972 campaign enabled me to meet hundreds of young men and women whom I would never otherwise have met. And, having been the beneficiary of more than 100,000 young visitors during the past 29 years, I can assure you that the future leadership of our state and nation is in good hands.

3) And last, but certainly not least, there's no way that I can adequately express my gratitude to the thousands of people who pitched in and gave their support and prayers in all five of my elections to the United States Senate. Without that help, and the prayers of so many, I would never have made it.

All of this is a long way of saying that I'm not running again, and I thank you for letting me have my say. But let me make myself perfectly clear -- as a former President often said, I have just confirmed speculation that I would not seek reelection next.

But I am, by no means, announcing my "retirement." A great deal of work lies ahead of the Senate this fall -- and next year when there will much significant legislation.

(For example, the Senate will be taking up and renewing the Farm Bill which comes around every five years, and you don't need me to explain how important this particular farm bill will be to farm families all across North Carolina.)

In addition, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will consider, among other important matters, significant legislation that will set the course for the future of America's defense systems. And, then, there is the necessity of monitoring the implementation of the Helms-Biden demands reforming the United Nations, which has already saved the American taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

In the years left to Dot Helms and me, we want to enjoy more time with our children and grandchildren. And, needless to say, Dot and I intend, the Lord willing, to be more actively involved in trying to be helpful to that remarkable foundation at Wingate.

I don't know precisely how to say this, but Dot and I hope that, one way or another, we can continue as private citizens, to be helpful to the great people of North Carolina.

One thing for sure: we will never forget you and we shall always be grateful for all that you have meant to us.

Thank you, dear friends. God bless you -- and as Ron Reagan always used to say: God Bless America.