U.S. Department of Transportation
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
National Center for Statistics & Analysis (text version)

Mathematical Analysis Division (MAD)

MAD is primarily responsible for conducting and managing analytic studies of traffic crashes and exposure data to determine and monitor traffic safety trends, identify highway safety problems, and assist in the development of highway safety countermeasures and evaluation of their factors. Also, MAD is responsible for preparing regular traffic crash and exposure data reports and fact sheets, the FARS/GES early assessment report, and other special reports as appropriate. Once the NCSA's reports are published, these traffic crash reports and studies are disseminated throughout NHTSA and to the Congress, to State and local governments, to the motor vehicle and insurance industries, to others in the highway safety community and to the general public.

Senior Statisticians are available to provide mathematical, statistical, and survey sampling assistance to other NHTSA elements, as needed.

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