U.S. Department of Transportation
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
National Center for Statistics & Analysis (text version)

State Data Systems (SDS)

Statewide crash data provide the basic information for most of the analyses and data collection programs that support the NHTSA mission. Each state maintains a database that contains comprehensive information about people, vehicles, and conditions recorded in Police Accident Reports (PARs). Information will vary from state to state because each state has different data collection and reporting standards. Since the early 1980s, NHTSA has been obtaining crash data files derived from data recorded on PARs. NHTSA refers to the collection of these computerized state crash data files obtained from seventeen states as the State Data System.

The crash data files from thee states are requested annually from the appropriate state agencies. In most instances, the coordinating state agency is the state police, the state highway safety department, or the state Department of Transportation. The files are received in various digital formats are converted to a common SAS data format. (The details of the SAS file structure are described in the following section, Data File Structure). These SAS files are placed on the Local Area Network (LAN) where they are available for the analytical needs of the NHTSA staff. Generally, the state crash data files in the State Data System are not available to researchers outside DOT unless written permission has been granted by the state whose data have been requested.

Crash Data Report

The Crash Data Report provides extensive motor vehicle crash data from 1990-1999. These data are not representative of the nation as a whole, but do provide a comprehensive and illustrative census of motor vehicle crash patterns and trends in the 17 states that participate in the State Data System: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington.

Crash statistics are presented in ten sections. General information can be found in the first three sections: Crashes, Vehicles, and People. The remaining sections focus on more specific data subsets. Sections 4 and 5 present alcohol- and speeding-related crash summary data. Specific vehicle actions and types are presented in Sections 6-8 (Rollovers, Motorcycles, and Large Trucks). Finally, Section 9 provides additional information regarding the ages of persons who were killed and injured, while Section 10 focuses on vehicle safety equipment.

State data availability, to include vehicle identification number (VIN) availability, is provided in Appendix A. Other state-specific information is given in the appendices B-G.

The report is divided into sections to make accessing and downloading easier. It is also available as a single ZIP file.

Crash Data Report 1990-1999 (4.7MB, ZIP)

Section 1 - Report Cover and Table of Contents (238K, PDF, 4 pgs.)

Section 2 - About This Report (62K, PDF, 2 pgs.)

Section 3 - Introduction (59K, PDF, 2 pgs.)

Section 4 - Data File Structure (86K, PDF, 8 pgs.)

Section 5 - Associated Analysis and Reports (64K, PDF, 2 pgs.)

Section 6 - Crashes: Crash Data Report (204K, PDF, 21 pgs.)

Section 7 - Vehicles: Crash Data Report 119K, PDF, 7 pgs.)

Section 8 - People: Crash Data Report (296K, PDF, 42 pgs.)

Section 9 - Alcohol: Crash Data Report (492K, PDF, 33 pgs.)

Section 10 - Speeding: Crash Data Report (286K, PDF, 32 pgs.)

Section 11 - Rollovers: Crash Data Report (187K, PDF, 16 pgs.)

Section 12 - Motorcycles: Crash Data Report (206K, PDF, 16 pgs.)

Section 13 - Large Trucks: Crash Data Report (191K, PDF, 16 pgs.)

Section 14 - Fatalities and Injuries by Age: Crash Data Report (367K, PDF, 47 pgs.)

Section 15 - Safety Equipment: Crash Data Report (541K, PDF, 79 pgs.)

Section 16 - Appendix A: State Years and VIN Available for Analysis (66K, PDF, 1 pg.)

Section 17 - Appendix B: State Crash Inclusion Criteria (47K, PDF, 1 pg.)

Section 18 - Appendix C: State Reporting Policies for Uninjured Occupants (52K, PDF, 1 pg.)

Section 19 - Appendix D: SAS Methodology (931K, PDF, 75 pgs.)

Section 20 - Appendix E: Fatalities and Injuries by State - Total Alcohol and Speeding (180K, PDF, 17 pgs.)

Section 21 - Appendix F: Illegal BAC Levels and Maximum Legal Speed Limits (56K, PDF, 2 pgs.)

Section 22 - Appendix G: Population, Licensed Drivers and Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) (65K, PDF, 2 pgs.)

Section 23 - Glossary (107K, PDF, 3 pgs.)

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