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 Finding recent documents

The Daily Digest provides a brief synopsis of orders, news releases, speeches, public notices and all other FCC documents that are released each business day.

 Searching for archived documents

The Electronic Document Management System (EDOCS) lets you search a database of Daily Digest entries for FCC documents posted to the FCC website since March 1996. The query searches on words and numbers that appeared in the Daily Digest title and in the description for each document, not on the full text of each document.

 Using EDOCS

The EDOCS search function allows the user to input criteria and search for all published documents based on the matching criteria entered. Instructions and tips for searching EDOCS are provided.

 Requesting copies of documents

Best Copy and Printing, Inc. provides equipment and research services to the public for photocopying documents at the FCC, provides research services for various records and ensure daily subscription services to customers.

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Last reviewed/updated on 9/2/2004.

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