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Rocket Propulsion

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Launch and Landing

On July 6, 1962, NASA selected White Sands Test Facility (WSTF) as the site for the Johnson Space Center (JSC) Propulsion Systems Development Facility. This site was chosen for its isolated location and topography, which minimized the inherent hazards of aerospace propulsion testing to the general population. WSTF began testing rocket engines in 1964.  More than 310 engines have been tested, for a total number of firings exceeding 2.1 million. 

Rocket Propulsion Home
Propulsion Systems TestingUnique Propulsion Test Expertise | Shuttle Fleet Leader

For additional information contact David Harris, (505)524-5522.

NASA-White Sands Test Facility
12600 NASA Road
Las Cruces, NM 88012

Web Accessibility and Policy Notices
Responsible NASA Official: Jim Krupovage  Curator: Judy Corbett
 Last Updated:09/23/2002