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Respecting the environment is just good business

Executive Order 12873, issued by former President Clinton in October, 1993, mandated that the Federal government take specific steps to become more environmentally friendly with regard to acquisition, recycling and waste prevention.

Since the order was issued, UNICOR has taken dramatic steps to move all its manufacturing efforts into compliance with the order. And in so doing, we've come to an eye-opening conclusion: what's good for the environment is also good for business.

Remanufacturing, research has shown that rebuilding engines saves customers as much as 60 percent of the cost of buying new equipment. Factor in the preservation of natural resources (i.e., metals don't have to be refined to build new equipment) and it's obvious that remanufacturing is economical and environmentally sound.

In fact, all of our efforts at complying with Executive Order 12873 have been undertaken with an eye toward both improving the environment and helping our customers stretch their purchasing dollars. Because another mandate, now and for years to come, is that the Federal government should intelligently use its increasingly limited fiscal resources. UNICOR is devoted to making certain our Federal customers get the most for their money.

For more information about UNICOR or any of its products call (800) 827-3168.
