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Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics - Discovering the Causes of Cancer
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Jun-mo Nam
Math Statistician

Location: Executive Plaza South, Room 8028
Phone: 301-496-3232
Fax: 301-402-0081


Mr. Nam received a M.S. in mathematical statistics from the University of Washington in 1966. He served as a research associate at School of Medicine, University of Washington. In 1969, he joined the NCI as a mathematical statistician. He is a recipient of US Public Health Service Special Achievement Award, 1979, and a Sustained Superior Performance award, 1999.

Current Research

Statistical Methods;
1) Interval estimation of a difference between two marginal probabilities in matched samples. 2) Statistical methods for assessing a reliability of ratings using kappa agreement in multiple studies. 3) Simultaneous testing both the sensitivity and the specificity in a diagnostic study. 4) Establishing equivalence of two treatments in survival with censoring and sample size determination.

HLA allele distributions by major races in US based on molecular typing. Maternal hormone levels and cryptochism in sons. Individual worker's exposure level related to an area exposure measurement.

Equivalence test, HLA allele frequency, kappa agreement, matched samples, sensitivity test, sample size determination.

Selected Publications

  • Nam J. Sample size determination for designing a strata-matched case-control study to detect multiple risk factors. Biometrical J 1997;39:441-54.
  • Nam J. Testing genetic equilibrium across strata. Ann Hum Genet 1997;61:163-70.
  • Nam J. Establishing equivalence of two treatments and sample size requirements in matched-pairs design. Biometrics 1997;53:1422-30.
  • VanRaden MJ, Blackwelder WC, VanSant FD, Shrager RI, Nam J. Paired dichotomous data: test and confidence interval for ratio of marginal proportions. Proceedings of the Biometrics Section, American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA. 1997, 22-24.
  • Nam J. Power and sample size for stratified prospective studies using the score method for testing relative risk. Biometrics 1998;54:331-6.
  • Manns A, Hanchard B, Morgan O, Wilks R, Cranston B, Nam J, Blank M, Kuwayama M, Yashiki S, Fujiyoshi T, Blattner W, Sonoda S: HLA class II alleles associated with HTLV-I infection and adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma in a black population. J Natl Cancer Inst 1998;90:617-22.
  • Nam J. Power and sample size for testing homogeneity of relative risks in prospective studies. Biometrics 1999;55:289-93.
  • Lekstrom-Himes JA, Hohman P, Warren T, Wald A, Nam J, Simonis T, Corey L, Strauss SE. Association of major histocompatibility complex determinants with the development of symptomatic and asymptomatic genital herpes simplex virus type 2 infections. J Infect Dis1999;179:1077-1085.
  • Nam J. Significance testing to establish equivalence between two treatments in matched pairs design. Proc. 1999 World Congress of Korean Scientists and Engineers: Mathematics and Statistics. Seoul 1999,97-104.
  • Nam J. Interval estimation of the Kappa coefficient with binary classification and an equal marginal probability model. Biometrics 2000;56:583-585.
  • Prince JR, Stewart PA, Nam J, Kross B, Blair A. A pilot study to rate determinants of exposure from videotaped work activities of farmers' use of pesticides. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygine 2001;16:973-978.
  • Nam J, Blackwelder WC. Analysis of the ratio of marginal probabilities in a matched- pairs setting. Stat Med 2002;21:689-700.
  • Nam J. Testing the intraclass version of kappa coefficient of agreement with binary scale and sample size determination. Biometrical Journal 2002;44:558-570.
  • Sauntharerejah Y, Nakamura R, Nam J, Robyn J, Loberiza F, Maciejewski JP, Simonis T, Molldrem J, Young NS, Barrett AJ. HLA DR15(DR2) is over-represented in myelodysplastic Syndrome and aplastic anemia, and predicts a response to immunosuppression in myelodysplastic syndrome. Blood (In Press).
  • Nam J. Inference on intraclass version of kappa agreement. Proc. US Korea Conference- 2002, Statistics. Seoul 2002 (In Press).
  • Nam J, Kim J, Lee S. Equivalence of two treatments and sample size determination under an exponential survival model with censoring (Submitted Biometrical Journal).
  • Nam J. Homogeneity score test for the intraclass version of the Kappa statistics and sample size determination in multiple or stratified studies (Submitted to Biometrics).

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