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OJP Guides and Reports

  • Our Aging Population: Promoting Empowerment, Preventing Victimization, and Implementing Coordinated Interventions (in PDF) (2000) reports on the proceedings of a national symposium on elder victimization sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The symposium featured promising multidisciplinary approaches to reducing and preventing crimes against older people, bringing together professionals from the public safety, social service, and health care fields. The report provides a detailed summary of all the sessions and includes short descriptions of the featured programs.
  • Promising Strategies to Reduce Substance Abuse is an assessment of effective strategies used in urban, suburban, and rural communties nationwide to reduce illicit drug and alcohol abuse and related crime. The report is intended to serve as a guide to communities by identifying the core elements of promising strategies and illustrating these strategies with examples of programs that are making a difference locally. This document is available in Text or PDF.
  • OJP Resource Guide (March 2001)
  • Archived OJP Guides and Reports

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