
DU Training and Safety Policy

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Department of the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, "Instruction 6470.10A: Initial Management of Irradiated or Radioactively Contaminated Personnel," December 7, 1998 (PDF) - Provides direction to civilian medical personnel of the naval services and Navy and Marine Corps commands for the initial exposure assessment, management, and treatment of individuals who are irradiated or externally or internally radioactively contaminated.

US Army Pamphlet 700-48, "Management of Equipment Contaminated with Depleted Uranium or Radioactive Commodities," December 3, 1999 (PDF) - This pamphlet provides specific guidance on the handling of U.S. and foreign equipment that may have been contaminated with radioactive materials as a result of DU munitions/armor or damaged radioactive commodities.

New Zealand Defence Force, "Health Screening Policy for Depleted Uranium," February 15, 2001 (HTML) - Guidelines for New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) Personnel screening program.