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Browser's requirements for use of the Applet Version.

1. For Internet Explorer 5+, Netscape Navigator 6+ browsers:
    A client has to be sure that there is the corresponding setting of the browser.
    Internet Explorer:  select Tools/Internet Options/Advanced and scroll down the "Settings:" panel.
               Under "Microsoft VM" the box "JIT compiler .." must be checked. *
    Netscape Navigator:  select Tools/Web Development/Java Console, a pop-up window will be opened
                with some text: "Java (TM) Plug-in: Use Java 2 v1.4.xx .." *
        * - If these settings are not available and the applet is not functional, see #2 below and
             download Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

2. If a browser has an obsolete version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE):
     - get the latest version of the JRE via a simple download ,
     - or download last versions of browsers - Netscape Navigator. - Internet Explorer. - Internet Explorer for Macintosh.

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Small NOAA logo NCDC  / Climate Monitoring  / GCAG / Requirements
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