Tsunami Questions

Answered by PMEL Tsunami Scientists
  1. Where can I find basic information on tsunamis?
  2. What can we do to prepare for a tsunami and when one strikes?
  3. Contact for more tsunami information.
  4. Where can I find photographs of tsunamis?
  5. Can I use pictures or text from the PMEL Tsunami Program web site?
  6. Scientific American article on tsunamis
  7. What was the highest tsunami?
  8. How fast does a tsunami travel?
  9. How do tsunami wave amplitudes depend on water depth?
  10. How wide would a tsunami wave be that was generated on a subduction thrust fault (width being crest to crest)?
  11. Can you tell me what name(s) have been given to the effect where the shoreline water is sucked back out preceding some tsunamis?
  12. Tsunami vs. tidal wave?
  13. How can we make a homemade simulation of a tsunami?
  14. Rogue wave vs tsunami?
  15. How high are tsunami waves vs surfing waves in Hawaii?
  16. Significantly large and relatively sudden stresses to planet Earth are anticipated due to greatly increased gravitational effect during the alignment of the New Moon, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Sun on 5th May 2000. Will an earthquake and tsunami result?
  17. Where can I find on-line tide tables?
  18. Atlantic tsunami?
  19. Crumbling Volcano Threatens Atlantic, Caribbean Coastlines
  20. What tsunamis occurred during 1999?
  21. 1999 Turkey tsunami - news story
  22. Are there tsunami inundation maps for Oregon?
  23. What is the tsunami hazard in Guatemala?
  24. How do they predict tsunamis i.e. What type of equipment do they use?
  25. What is being developed to minimize the effects of tsunamis?
  26. What was the largest tsunami recorded in the Northwest?
  27. When how often does the Northwest have tsunamis?
  28. What is the potential for tsunamis in the Puget Sound Region.
  29. Interviews with Dr. Frank Gonzalez:
    1. What is the current tool used to detect tsunamis?
    2. Is it possible for a tsunami to hit the East Coast? Has it ever happened?
    3. Are tsunamis measured on a scale similar to those of tornadoes and hurricanes?
    4. Do tsunamis lose speed as they approach land?
    5. What type of force is needed to allow a tsunami to travel a long distance?
    6. Could the effects of atomic bombs tested in the Pacific enhance force of waves and tsunamis?
    7. How do you think the new warning systems will help the people in Hawaii, California, Washington, and Alaska be better prepared for tsunamis?
    8. What was the reason you started doing research on tsunami patterns? What do you hope to accomplish with this tsunami research and how long will it take? How far do you think you are from your goal?
    9. Are tsunamis more (or less) dangerous on islands or on normal coasts?
    10. Why does the amplitude of the wave rise when the tsunami reaches a beach?
    11. Was the Bourbon tube invented just for the BPR, or is it a commonly used device in physics?
    12. Could you give me a figure of the average slip during an landslide?
    13. What's the cost of a BPR installation?
  30. Interviews with Dr. Hal Mofjeld:
    1. What is a tsunami?
    2. What is the average height of a tsunami
    3. What causes tsunamis?
    4. Have you ever been in a tsunami?
    5. How long have you been a research scientist for tsunamis?
    6. How do you think the new warning systems will help the people in Hawaii, California, Washington, and Alaska be better prepared for tsunamis?
    7. What was the reason for you to start doing research on tsunami patterns?
    8. What do you hope to accomplish with tsunami research and how long will it take?
    9. How far do you think you are away from the final goal?
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