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BEA Publications Available from GPO

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Survey of Current Business

BEA's monthly journal of record presents summary estimates and analyses of U.S. economic activity. Includes the "Business Situation," a review of recent economic developments, and regular and special articles about the national, regional, and international economic accounts and related topics. Also presents the latest estimates of the national income and product accounts every month. Foreign airmail delivery rates available from GPO. Note: Beginning with the January 1994 issue, the Survey is available in Acrobat format free of charge on BEA's Web site.
Periodicals second-class mail | $63.00 domestic | $88.20 foreign
First-class mail | $105.00
Single copy | $25.00 domestic | $35.00 foreign

Annual subscription: $63.00 domestic second-class mail | $88.20 foreign second-class mail | $105.00 domestic first-class mail
Single copy: $25.00 domestic | $35.00 foreign

Other Publications

  • National Income and Product Accounts of the United States, 1929-94
    This two-volume set presents the estimates of the national income and product accounts (NIPA's) that reflect the most recent comprehensive revision and the 1997 annual revision. The text describes the definitions and classifications that underlie the NIPA's and the statistical conventions used in the NIPA's; an appendix lists the principal source data and methods that are used in preparing the estimates. (Published in 1998.)
    003-010-00272-7 | $70.00
  • Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth in the United States, 1925-94
    Contains summary estimates of net stocks, depreciation, investment, and average age and detailed estimates by industry and type of equipment and structure. (Published in 1999.)
    003-010-00283-2 | $20.00
  • Benchmark Input-Output Accounts of the United States, 1992
    This publication presents the summary and detailed make and use tables for industries and commodities and the total output multipliers for 1992 for the U.S. economy. It includes a discussion of the concepts and classifications underlying the accounts, the methods used to prepare the accounts, and the uses of the accounts. It also includes appendixes that present the measures of output and of the commodity composition of personal consumption expenditures by type and of purchases of producers' durable equipment by type in the national income and product accounts. (Published in 1998.)
    003-010-00275-1 | $31.00
  • Benchmark Input-Output Accounts of the United States, 1987
    Presents summary and detailed make and use tables for industries and commodities; tables showing commodity and industry output requirements per dollar of commodity demanded; and tables showing the input-output (I-O) commodity composition of personal consumption expenditures and producers' durable equipment expenditures in the national income and product accounts. Presents concepts and methods used in the 1987 benchmark accounts; concordance between I-O and 1987 Standard Industrial Classification codes; description of the components of the measures of output, intermediate inputs, and value added; and the mathematical derivation of the total requirements tables. (Published in 1994.)
    003-010-00251-4 | $36.00
  • Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
    Contains the results of BEA's most recent benchmark survey of foreign direct investment in the United States. Benchmark surveys are BEA's most comprehensive surveys, both in terms of companies covered and information gathered. Contains information on the financial structure and operations of the U.S. affiliates of foreign direct investors, as well as estimates on transactions and positions between U.S. affiliates and their foreign parent groups. Carries forward annual estimates on operations of nonbank U.S. affiliates. The tables, which are shown by country and/or by industry, and by State for selected items, present balance sheets and income statements; balance of payments and foreign direct investment position in the United States; gross product; employment and compensation of employees; property, plant, and equipment; research and development expenditures; external financial position; and trade in goods.
    • 1997 Benchmark Survey, Final Results
      003-010-00289-1 | $44.00

    • 1992 Benchmark Survey, Final Results
      003-010-00259-1 | $25.00
  • Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Operations of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies
    Contains information on the financial structure and operations of nonbank U.S. affiliates of foreign companies for the given year. These are the most detailed results of BEA’s annual surveys of foreign direct investment in the United States (only summary information appears in the Survey of Current Business). The tables, which are shown by country and/or by industry, and by State for selected items, present balance sheets and income statements; gross product; employment and compensation of employees; property, plant, and equipment; research and development expenditures; external financial position; and trade in goods.
    • Preliminary 1999 Estimates
      | $15.00
    • Revised 1998 Estimates
      | $15.00
    • Revised 1996 Estimates
      003-010-00279-4 | $9.50
  • Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for 1992
    Contains detailed estimates for 1992 on all establishments of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies. The data were obtained by linking BEA enterprise, or company, data on foreign direct investment in the United States with Census Bureau establishment, or plant, data for all U.S. companies. Data for the manufacturing establishments were extracted from the Census Bureau's census of manufactures and include value added, shipments, employment, total compensation of employees, employee benefits, hourly wage rates of production workers, cost of materials and energy used, inventories by stage of fabrication, and expenditures for new plant and equipment. Data for the nonmanufacturing establishments include estimates of their number, employment, payroll, and shipments or sales. The estimates are presented by detailed industry (they are classified into over 800 Standard Industrial Classification four-digit industries), by country of the ultimate beneficial owner of the establishment, and by State. (Published in 1997.)
    003-010-00265-4 | $35.00
  • U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: 1994 Benchmark Survey, Final Results
    Contains the final results of the 1994 benchmark survey of U.S. direct investment abroad. Contains information on the financial structure and operations of U.S. parent companies and their foreign affiliates and estimates on the direct investment position and balance of payments between the parents and their affiliates. Data are presented by industry of the parent and by industry and country of the affiliate. The text describes the coverage, the definitions and concepts, and the classifications used in the survey. (Published in 1998.)
    | $41.00
  • U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: Operations of U.S. Parent Companies and Their Foreign Affiliates
    Contains annual estimates on the financial structure and operations of nonbank U.S. parent companies and their nonbank foreign affiliates. These are the most detailed results of BEA's annual survey of the worldwide operations of U.S. multinational companies (only summary information appears in the Survey). The tables, which are shown by country and/or by industry of affiliate, present balance sheets and income statements; employment and compensation of employees; research and development expenditures; trade in goods; sales of goods and services; and foreign income taxes.
    • Revised 1998 Estimates
      003-010-00293-0 | $11.00
    • Revised 1997 Estimates
      003-010-00285-9 | $11.00
    • Revised 1996 Estimates
      003-010-00282-4 | $11.00
    • Revised 1995 Estimates
      003-010-00276-0 | $11.00
    • Revised 1992 Estimates
      003-010-00253-1 | $11.00
  • International Direct Investment: Studies by the Bureau of Economic Analysis
    Brings together a number of key studies by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) on U.S. direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in the United States. The studies cover such topics as the characteristics of multinational companies, including their profitability, productivity, and sourcing patterns; measures of direct investment that are valued in current-period prices; and supplemental balance of payments frameworks that incorporate information on ownership from BEA’s direct investment surveys. These studies were originally published in the Survey of Current Business, BEA’s monthly journal. This publication also includes users’ guides to BEA’s statistics on direct investment and detailed methodologies from BEA’s benchmark survey publications on foreign direct investment in the United States and U.S. direct investment abroad.
    003-010-00278-6 | $26.00


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