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Electronic Journals
American Embassy, Budapest

The Electronic Journals are published by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Information Programs, and are transmitted worldwide through the Internet.

In 5 different subject areas, the Journals examine major issues facing the United States and the international community. They provide analyses, commentary, and background information (additional reading, bibliography, useful Internet sites) on the topic. Although the Journals are published by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Information Programs, the opinions expressed in them do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government.

Each issue is available in plain text format, or for download in Adobe Acrobat format. (Adobe Acrobat is an excellent tool for viewing and printing formatted files. Click here to go to Adobe's page, where you can dowload the software for free.)

red bullet U.S. Foreign Policy red bullet Economic Perspectives red bullet Global Issues red bullet Issues of Democracy red bullet U.S. Society and Values

blue bullet Archive of Earlier Electronic Journals

US Foreign Policy Agenda

The U.S. & NATO: An Alliance of Purpose (June/2004)
Protecting Lives, Restoring Livelihoods: The U.S. Program To Remove Landmines (Jan/2004)
American Internationalism (Aug/2003)
U.S. National Security Strategy: A New Era (Dec/2002)
The Role of Think Tanks in U.S. Foreign Policy (Nov/2002)
Weapons of Mass Destruction: The New Strategic Framework (July/2002)
NATO in the 21st Century - The Road Ahead (Mar/2002)
Terrorism: Threat Assessment, Countermeasures and Policy (Nov/2001)
Small Arms and Light Weapons: U.S. Policy and Views (June/2001)
U.S. National Security: The Bush Team (Mar/2001)

Economic Perspectives

The Global War on Terrorist Finance (Sep/2004)
Challenges to Energy Security (May/2004)
Microenterprise: Laying the Foundation for Economic Development (Feb/2004)
Agricultural Biotechnology (Sep/2003)
Millennium Challenge Account: A New Compact for Global Development (Mar/2003)
Overfishing: A Global Challenge (Jan/2003)
The Free Trade Area of the Americas: Expanding Hemispheric Trade (Oct/2002)
Food Security and Safety (May/2002)
Trade in the Post-Doha Global Economy (Jan/2002)
Addressing Global Poverty (Sep/2001)
The Fight against Money Laundering (May 2001)
Reforming the International Economic Institutions (Feb/2001)

Global Issues

Shared Oceans, Shared Future (Apr/2004)
The Evolving Internet (Nov/2003)
Responses to Human Trafficking (June/2003)
Seeking Free & Responsible Media (Feb/2003)
September 11: One Year Later (Sep/2002)
Achieving Sustainable Development (Apr/2002)
Health Systems for HIV/AIDS and Other Diseases (Dec/2001)
Arresting - Transnational Crime (Aug/2001)
Media & Ethics (April 2001)

Issues of Democracy

Elections Guide 2004 new (Oct/2004)
Access to the Courts: Equal Justice for All (Aug/2004)
Constitutionalism and Emerging Democracies (Mar/2004)
State and Local Government: Adapting to Change (Oct/2003)
The Changing Face of U.S. Courts (May/2003)
Legal Education in the United States (Aug/2002)
Human Rights Education (Mar/2002)
Religious Freedom as a Human Right (Nov/2001)
Criminal Justice in the U.S. (July/2001)

US Society and Values

Americans at the Table: Reflections on Food and Culture (July/2004)
Sports in America (Dec/2003)
The Arts in America: New Directions (Apr/2003)
Community Colleges in the United States (June/2002)
The American Family (Jan/2001)

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Last updated: 10/14/2004

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