Zoom logo Zoom In On America

Zoom In On America was created by the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw and the U.S. Consulate General in Krakow, and tailored to local needs by the Regional English Language Office (RELO) and Information USA of the U.S. Embassy in Budapest.

Zoom is published monthly. Each issue focuses on a topic in U.S. history, culture, and everyday life.

Our hope is that Zoom will help students of the English language to know better the United States and to improve their language skills. We also hope that English teachers will find Zoom useful in the classroom or in extracurricular activities.

You can download all issues of Zoom here or you can receive the new releases every month by e-mail (in pdf format). Please send your request for subscription to zoom@usembassy.hu.
Pdf files can be viewed and printed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have this software please visit Adobe's page, where you can download it for free.

We would appreciate your comments and suggestions about the content and form of Zoom. Please send them to zoom@usembassy.hu.

red bullet American Indians New
(Issue 6, September 2004) (pdf, 267 KB)

red bullet Art Snapshots
(Issue 5, Summer 2004) (pdf, 220 KB)

red bullet From Kitty Hawk to Mars
(Issue 4, May 2004) (pdf, 630 KB)

red bullet Earth Day - Think Globally Act Locally
(Issue 3, April 2004) (pdf, 400 KB)

red bullet Sports: The American Way
(Issue 2, March 2004) (pdf, 200 KB)

red bullet African American History Month
(Issue 1, February 2004) (pdf, 380 KB)

red bullet Quiz Key
American Indians. Cover page of the September issue.

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Last updated: 09/22/2004
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