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Abrams, Deborah Rachel The processes through which college students assess the sexual risk of hypothetical and actual sexual partners 2000

Abramsky, L.; Fletcher, O. Interpreting information: what is said, what is heard - a questionnaire study of health professionals and members of the public 2002

Absetz, Pilvikki; Aro, Arja R.; Sutton, Stephen R. Factors associated with breast cancer risk perception and psychological distress in a representative sample of middle-aged Finnish women 2002

Adams, A. M.; Smith, A. F. Risk perception and communication: recent developments and implications for anaesthesia 2001

Adams, W.C. The role of media relations in risk communication 1992/1993

Adelswaerd, Viveka; Sachs, Lisbeth The meaning of 6.8: numeracy and normality in health information talks. 1996

Agha, Sohail An evaluation of the effectiveness of a peer sexual health intervention among secondary-school students in Zambia 2002

Albarracin, Dolores; McNatt, Penny S.; Klein, Cynthia T.; Ho, Ringo M.; Mitchell, Amy L.; Kumkale, G. Persuasive communications to change actions: An analysis of behavioral and cognitive impact in HIV prevention 2003

Alexander, N.E.; Ross, J.; Sumner, W.; Nease, R.F.Jr.; Littenberg, B. The effect of an educational intervention on the perceived risk of breast cancer. 1996

Anonymous OSHA`s hazard communication standard. What it means for U.S. hospitals 2001

Arkin, Elaine B. Cancer risk communication-what we know. 1999

Armstrong, K.; FitzGerald, G.; Schwartz, J. S.; Ubel, P. A. Using survival curve comparisons to inform patient decision making can a practice exercise improve understanding? 2001

Armstrong, K.; Schwartz, J. S.; Fitzgerald, G.; Putt, M.; Ubel, P. A. Effect of framing as gain versus loss on understanding and hypothetical treatment choices: survival and mortality curves 2002

Aspinwall, Lisa G. Introduction of section: persuasion for the purpose of cancer risk reduction: understanding responses to risk communications. 1999

Atkyns, Robert L. Adolescent information acquisition, locus of control, lifestyle and substance abuse: A social market segmentation for health communication effectiveness 1987

Atman, C. J.; Bostrom, A.; Fischhoff, B.; Morgan, M. G. Designing risk communications: completing and correcting mental models of hazardous processes, Part I. 1994

Atterstam, I. Media and risk communication 1995

Avis, N. E.; Smith, K. W.; McKinlay, J. B. Accuracy of perceptions of heart attack risk: what influences perceptions and can they be changed? 1989

Babrow, Austin S.; Kasch, Chris R.; Ford, Leigh A. The many meanings of uncertainty in illness: Toward a systematic accounting 1998

Bailer, A. J. Uncertainty in risk assessment. Current efforts and future hopes 1999

Baker, F. Risk communication about environmental hazards. 1990

Ball, L. K.; Evans, G.; Bostrom, A. Risky business: challenges in vaccine risk communication. 1998

Banks, S. M.; Salovey, P.; Greener, S.; Rothman, A. J.; Moyer, A.; Beauvais, J.; Epel, E. The effects of message framing on mammography utilization. 1995

Barnett, J.; Breakwell, G. M. Risk perception and experience: hazard personality profiles and individual differences 2001

Baron, J.; Hershey, J. C.; Kunreuther, H. Determinants of priority for risk reduction: the role of worry 2000

Bastian, L.A.; Lipkus, I.M.; Kuchibhatla, M.N.; Weng, H.H.; Halabi, S.; Ryan, P.D.; Skinner, C.S.; Rimer, B.K. Women`s interest in chemoprevention for breast cancer 2001

Baty, B. J.; Kinney, A. Y.; Ellis, S. M. Developing culturally sensitive cancer genetics communication aids for African Americans 2003

Baty, Bonnie Jeanne; Venne, Vickie L.; McDonald, Jamie; Croyle, Robert T.; Halls, Corinne; Nash, Jean E.; BRCA1 testing: Genetic counseling protocol development and counseling issues 1997

Beehler, Gregory P.; Mcguinness, Bridget M.; Vena, John E. Polluted fish, sources of knowledge, and the perception of risk: Contextualizing African American anglers sport fishing practices 2001

Bell, Robert A.; Cholerton, Matthew; Davison, Veronica; Fraczek, Kevin E.; Lauter, Heather Making health communication self-funding: Effectiveness of pregiving in an AIDS fundraising/education campaign 1996

Bellaby, Paul; Lawrenson, David Approaches to the risks of riding motorcycles: Reflections on the problem of reconciling statistical risk assessment and motorcyclists` own reasons for riding 2001

Benichou, J.; Gail, M. H.; Mulvihill, J. J. Graphs to estimate an individualized risk of breast cancer. 1996

Benjamin, S.L.; Belluck, D.A. Risk feedback: An important step in risk communication 1990

Bennett, Peter; Calman, Kenneth Understanding responses to risk: Some basic findings 1999

Bental, T.; Paran, E. Increasing public awareness of the risk of cardiovascular disease using `health activists` in a community health project in Israel: a feasibility study. 1990

Berry, D.C.; Knapp, P.R.; Raynor, T. Is 15 per cent very common? Informing people about the risks of medication side effects 2002

Berry, Dianne C.; Michas, Irene C.; Bersellini, Elisabetta Communicating information about medication side effects: Effects on satisfaction, perceived risk to health, and intention to comply 2002

Berry, Dianne C.; Michas, Irene C.; Bersellini, Elisabetta Communicating information about medication: The benefits of making it personal 2003

Biehl, Michael; Halpern-Felsher, Bonnie L. Adolescents` and adults` understanding of probability expressions 2001

Bier, V. M. On the state of the art: risk communication to the public 2001

Binney, Stephen E.; Mason, Robert; Martsolf, Steven W.; Detweiler, John H. Credibility, public trust, and the transport of radioactive waste through local communities 1996

Bish, A.; Sutton, S.; Jacobs, C.; Levene, S.; Ramirez, A.; Hodgson, S. No news is (not necessarily) good news: impact of preliminary results for BRCA1 mutation searches 2002

Bish, A.; Sutton, S.; Jacobs, C.; Levene, S.; Ramirez, A.; Hodgson, S. Changes in psychological distress after cancer genetic counselling: A comparison of affected and unaffected women 2002

Black, W. C.; Nease, R. F., Jr.; Tosteson, A. N. Perceptions of breast cancer risk and screening effectiveness in women younger than 50 years of age. 1995

Blake, S.M.; Simkin, L.; Ledsky, R.; Perkins, C.; Calabrese, J.M. Effects of a parent-child communications intervention on young adolescents` risk for early onset of sexual intercourse 2001

Blanchard, Renee Denise Risk communication and individual response: Impact of 1990 revised earthquake probabilities for the San Francisco Bay area 1993

Block, Lauren G.; Keller, Punam Anand Beyond protection motivation: An integrative theory of health appeals 1998

Boehm, Gisela; Pfister, Hans-Ruediger Mental representations of global environmental risks 2001

Boehm, Gisela; Pfister, Hans-Ruediger Action tendencies and characteristics of environmental risks 2000

Bogardus, Sidney T., Jr.; Holmboe, Eric; Jekel, James F. Perils, pitfalls, and possibilities in talking about medical risk. 1999

Bond, G. G. Dioxin: a case study. 1993

Bord, Richard J.; O`Connor, Robert E. Risk communication, knowledge, and attitudes: Explaining reactions to a technology perceived as risky 1990

Bord, Richard J.; O`Connor, Robert E. Determinants of risk perceptions of a hazardous waste site 1992

Borgida, Eugene; Nisbett, Richard E. The differential impact of abstract vs. concrete information on decisions 1977

Borrelli, B.; McQuaid, E. L.; Becker, B.; Hammond, K.; Papandonatos, G.; Fritz, G.; Abrams, D. Motivating parents of kids with asthma to quit smoking: the PAQS project 2002

Bostrom, A.; Atman, C. J.; Fischhoff, B.; Morgan, M. G. Evaluating risk communications: Completing and correcting mental models of hazardous processes, Part II 1994

Bostrom, Ann Vaccine risk communication: Lessons from risk perception, decision making and environmental communication research 1997

Bostrom, Ann; Fischoff, Baruch Communicating health risks of global climate change 2001

Bottorff, Joan L.; Ratner, Pamela A.; Johnson, Joy L.; Lovato, Chris Y.; Joab, S. Amanda Communicating cancer risk information: the challenges of uncertainty. 1998

Bowen, Deborah J.; Helmes, Almut; Powers, Diane; Andersen, M.; Burke, Wylie; McTiernan, Anne; Durfy, Sharon Predicting breast cancer screening intentions and behavior with emotion and cognition 2003

Boyer, C. B.; Shafer, M. A. B.; Shaffer, R. A.; Brodine, S. K.; Ito, S. I.; Yniguez, D. L.; Benas, D. M.; Schachter, J. Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV in young military men - Evaluation of a cognitive-behavioral skills- building intervention 2001

Brase, Gary L. Which statistical formats facilitate what decisions? The perception and influence of different statistical information formats 2002

Breakwell, G. M. Risk communication: factors affecting impact 2000

Breakwell, Glynis M. Mental models and social representations of hazards: The significance of identity processes 2001

Breslau, E. S.; Davis, W. W.; Doner, L.; Eisner, E. J.; Goodman, N. R.; Meissner, H. I.; Rimer, B. K.; Rossouw, J. E. The hormone therapy dilemma: women respond 2003

Brody, Jane E. Communicating cancer risk in print journalism. 1999

Brown, J. L.; Ping, Y. Consumer perception of risk associated with eating genetically engineered soybeans is less in the presence of a perceived consumer benefit 2003

Bruine De Bruin, Wandi People`s understanding of probability: `It`s a fifty-fifty chance.` 1999

Bruine de Bruin, Waendi; Fischhoff, Baruch; Millstein, Susan G.; Halpern-Felsher, Bonnie L. Verbal and numerical expressions of probability: `It`s a fifty-fifty chance.` 2000

Budescu, D.V. ; Wallsten, T.S. Consistency in interpretation of probabilistic phrases 1985

Budescu, David V.; Wallsten, Thomas S. Processing linguistic probabilities: General principles and empirical evidence 1995

Budescu, David V.; Weinberg, Shalva; Wallsten, Thomas S. Decisions based on numerically and verbally expressed uncertainties 1988

Buetow, S.; Cantrill, J.; Sibbald, B. Risk communication in the patient-health professional relationship 1998

Buller, David B.; Borland, Ron; Burgoon, Michael Impact of behavioral intention on effectiveness of message features: Evidence from the Family Sun Safety Project 1998

Burack, R. C.; Gimotty, P. A.; George, J.; Stengle, W.; Warbasse, L.; Moncrease, A. Promoting screening mammography in inner-city settings: a randomized controlled trial of computerized reminders as a component of a program to facilitate mammography. 1994

Burger, J.; Waishwell, L. Are we reaching the target audience? Evaluation of a fish fact sheet 2001

Burke, W.; Culver, J. O.; Bowen, D.; Lowry, D.; Durfy, S.; McTiernan, A.; Andersen, M. R. Genetic counseling for women with an intermediate family history of breast cancer 2000

Burroughs, Thomas Edward The effect of message framing on perceptions of risk, perceptions of control and health behavior decisions 1998

Buunk, Bram P.; van den Eijnden, Regina J. J. M.; Siero, Frans W. The double-edged sword of providing information about the prevalence of safer sex 2002

Byrne, Molly; Curtis, Ruth Designing health communication: Testing the explanations for the impact of communication medium on effectiveness 2000

Cameron, L.D.; Diefenbach, M.A. Responses to information about psychosocial consequences of genetic testing for breast cancer susceptibility: Influences of cancer worry and risk perceptions 2001

Cameron, Linda D.; Leventhal, Howard Vulnerability beliefs, symptom experiences, and the processing of health threat information: A self-regulatory perspective 1995

Carey, M.P.; Braaten, L.S.; Maisto, S.A.; Gleason, J.R.; Forsyth, A.D.; Durant, L.E.; Jaworski, B.C. Using information, motivational enhancement, and skills training to reduce the risk of HIV infection for low-income urban women: A second randomized clinical trial 2000

Celuch, Kevin; Lust, John; Showers, Linda A test of a model of consumers` responses to product manual safety information 1998

Chalmers, K.; Thomson, K.; Degner, LF. Information, support, and communication needs of women with a family history of breast cancer. 1996

Champion, Victoria; Huster, Gertrude Effect of interventions on stage of mammography adoption. 1995

Chandler, C. C.; Greening, L.; Robison, L. J.; Stoppelbein, L. It can`t happen to me ... or can it? Conditional base rates affect subjective probability judgments 1999

Chapman, G. B.; Elstein, A. S.; Hughes, K. K. Effects of patient education on decisions about breast cancer treatments: a preliminary report. 1995

Chase, Gary A.; Faden, Ruth R.; Holzman, Neil A.; Chwalow, A. Judith; Leonard, Claire O.; Lopes, Cheryl; Assessment of risk by pregnant women: implications for genetic counseling and education. 1986

Chess, Caron; Hance, Billie Joe Alerting the apathetic and reassuring the alarmed: Communicating about radon risk in three communities 1988

Chess, Caron; Salomone, Kandice L. Rhetoric and reality: Risk communication in government agencies 1992

Chess, Caron; Salomone, Kandice L.; Hance, Billie Jo Improving risk communication in government: Research priorities 1995

Chess, Caron; Salomone, Kandice L.; Hance, Billie Jo; Saville, Alex Results of a national symposium on risk communication: New steps for government agencies 1995

Chess, Caron; Saville, Alex; Tamuz, Michal; Greenberg, Michael The organizational links between risk communication and risk management: The case of Sybron Chemicals Inc 1992

Chin, Dorothy HIV-related sexual risk assessment among Asian/Pacific Islander American women: An inductive model 1999

Ciske, D. J.; Haavisto, A.; Laxova, A.; Rock, L. Z. M.; Farrell, P. M. Genetic counseling and neonatal screening for cystic fibrosis: An assessment of the communication process 2000

Clancy, C.M.; Cebul, R.D.; Williams, S.V. Guiding individual decisions: a randomized, controlled trial of decision analysis. 1988

Clark, S. K.; Leighton, B. L.; Seltzer, J. L. A risk-specific anesthesia consent form may hinder the informed consent process. 1991

Clift, Elayne HEALTHCOM: A communication methodology for health in the Third World 1990

Cline, Rebecca W.; Johnson, Sarah J.; Freeman, Kim E. Talk among sexual partners about AIDS: Interpersonal communication for risk reduction or risk enhancement? 1992

Clover, K.; Redman, S.; Forbes, J.; Sanson-Fisher, R.; Callaghan, T. Two sequential randomized trials of community participation to recruit women for mammographic screening. 1996

Cody, Robyn; Lee, Christina Behaviors, beliefs, and intentions in skin cancer prevention. 1990

Cohen, Alexander; Colligan, Michael J. ; Berger, Philip Psychology in health risk messages for workers. 1985

Cohen, J.B. Smokers` knowledge and understanding of advertised tar numbers: health policy implications. 1996

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Banbury Report 6: Product Labeling and Health Risks: Banbury Report Series 1980

Collins, Richard Franklin, Jr. Risk visualization as a means for altering hazard cognition 1999

Collins, V.; Halliday, J.; Warren, R.; Williamson, R. Cancer worries, risk perceptions and associations with interest in DNA testing and clinic satisfaction in a familial colorectal cancer clinic 2000

Connelly, Nancy A.; Knuth, Barbara A. Evaluating risk communication: examining target audience perceptions about four presentation formats for fish consumption health advisory information. 1998

Covello, V. T.; Peters, R. G.; Wojtecki, J. G.; Hyde, R. C. Risk communication, the West Nile virus epidemic, and bioterrorism: responding to the communication challenges posed by the intentional or unintentional release of a pathogen in an urban setting 2001

Covello, V. T.; Sandman, P. M. Risk communication: Evolution and revolution 2001

Covello, V.T. Trust and credibility in risk communication 1992

Covello, Vincent T. Communicating information about the health risks of radioactive waste: a review of obstacles to public understanding. 1989

Covello, Vincent T.; Peters, Richard G. Women`s perceptions of the risks of age-related diseases, including breast cancer: Reports from a 3-year research study 2002

Covello, Vincent T.; Sandman, Peter M.; Slovic, Paul Risk communication, risk statistics, and risk comparisons: A manual for plant managers 1988

Covey, J. A. People`s preferences for safety control: why does baseline risk matter? 2001

Cox, P.; Niewohner, J.; Pidgeon, N.; Gerrard, S.; Fischhoff, B.; Riley, D. The use of mental models in chemical risk protection: Developing a generic workplace methodology 2003

Coyle, K.; Basen-Engquist, K.; Kirby, D.; Parcel, G.; Banspach, S.; Harrist, R.; Baumler, E.; Weil, M. Short-term impact of safer choices: A multicomponent, school- based HIV, other STD, and pregnancy prevention program 1999

Creyer, Elizabeth H.; Kozup, John C.; Burton, Scot An experimental assessment of the effects of two alcoholic beverage health warnings across countries and binge-drinking status 2002

Croyle, Robert T.; Hunt, Julie R. Coping with health threat: social influence processes in reactions to medical test results. 1991

Croyle, Robert T.; Lerman, Caryn Risk communication in genetic testing for cancer susceptibility. 1999

Croyle, Robert T.; Sun, Yi-Chun; Louie, Douglas H. Psychological minimization of cholesterol test results: moderators of appraisal in college students and community residents. 1993

Cull, A.; Anderson, E. D. C.; Campbell, S.; MacKay, J.; Smyth, E.; Steel, M. The impact of genetic counselling about breast cancer risk on women`s risk perceptions and levels of distress 1999

Curbow, B.; McDiarmid, M. A.; Breysse, P.; Lees, P. S. Investigation of a spontaneous abortion cluster: development of a risk communication plan. 1994

Curry, S. J.; Taplin, S. H.; Anderman, C.; Barlow, W. E.; McBride, C. A randomized trial of the impact of risk assessment and feedback on participation in mammography screening. 1993

Cvetkovich, George; Earle, Timothy C. Environmental hazards and the public 1992

D`Amico, Elizabeth J.; Fromme, Kim Brief prevention for adolescent risk-taking behavior 2002

Dake, Karl Myths of nature: Culture and the social construction of risk 1992

Davis, Joel J. Riskier than we think? The relationship between risk statement completeness and perceptions of direct to consumer advertised prescription drugs 2000

Davis, T. C.; Williams, M. V.; Marin, E.; Parker, R. M.; Glass, J. Health literacy and cancer communication 2002

Davison, B.J.; Degner, L.F.; Morgan, J.R Information and decision-making preferences of men with prostate cancer. 1995

De Marchi, Bruna The Seveso Directive: an Italian pilot study in enabling communication. 1991

DeFriese, Gordon H.; Fielding, Jonathan E. Health risk appraisal in the 1990s: opportunities, challenges, and expectations. 1990

Dedinsky, Mary A. The effects of instruction in holistic health on self-concept, anxiety, and responses of lay pastoral care ministers 1988

Devos-Comby, Loraine; Salovey, Peter Applying persuasion strategies to alter HIV-relevant thoughts and behavior 2002

Dholakia, Utpal M. A motivational process model of product involvement and consumer risk perception 2001

Di Prospero, L. S.; Seminsky, M.; Honeyford, J.; Doan, B.; Franssen, E.; Meschino, W.; Chart, P.; Warner, E. Psychosocial issues following a positive result of genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations: findings from a focus group and a needs-assessment survey 2001

Diefenbach, M.A., Weinstein, N.D., O`Reilly, J. Scales for assessing perceptions of health hazard susceptibility. 1993

Ditto, Peter H.; Jemmott, John B.; Darley, John M. Appraising the threat of illness: a mental representational approach. 1988

Ditto, Peter H.; Lopez, David F. Motivated skepticism: Use of differential decision criteria for preferred and nonpreferred conclusions 1992

Dolan, J. G. Are patients capable of using the analytic hierarchy process and willing to use it to help make clinical decisions? 1995

Donohew, Lewis; Palmgreen, Philip; Lorch, Elizabeth Pugzles Attention, need for sensation, and health communication campaigns 1994

Donovan, Robert J.; Jalleh, Geoffrey Positive versus negative framing of a hypothetical infant immunization: The influence of involvement 2000

Dorsey, A. M.; Miller, K. I.; Scherer, C. W. Communication, risk behavior, and perceptions of threat and efficacy: A test of a reciprocal model 1999

Doyle, James K Judging cumulative risk 1997

Dudley, N. Importance of risk communication and decision making in cardiovascular conditions in older patients: a discussion paper 2001

Dunwoody, Sharon Telling public stories about risk Agricultural Biotechnology: A Public Conversation about Risk 1994

Dunwoody, Sharon; Neuwirth, Kurt Coming to terms with the impact of communication on scientifi and technological risk judgements 1991

Dunwoody, Sharon; Neuwirth, Kurt; Griffin, Robert J.; Long, Marilee The impact of risk message content and construction on comments about risks embedded in 1992

Edwards, A.; Elwyn, G. Understanding risk and lessons for clinical risk communication about treatment preferences 2001

Edwards, A.; Elwyn, G. How should effectiveness of risk communication to aid patients` decisions be judged? A review of the literature 1999

Edwards, A.; Elwyn, G.; Covey, J.; Mathews, E.; Pill, R. The development of COMRADE -- A patient-based outcome measure to evaluate the effectiveness of risk communication and treatment decision-making in consultations in press

Edwards, A.; Elwyn, G.; Gwyn, R. General practice registrar responses to the use of different risk communication tools in simulated consultations: a focus group study 1999

Edwards, A.; Hood, K.; Matthews, E.; Russell, D.; Russell, I.; Barker, J.; Bloor, M.; Burnard, P.; Covey, J.; Pill, R.; Wilkinson, C.; Stott, N. The effectiveness of one-to-one risk communication interventions in health care: a systematic review 2000

Edwards, A.; Prior, L. Communication about risk--dilemmas for general practitioners. The Department of General Practice Working Group, University of Wales College of Medicine. 1997

Edwards, Adrian; Elwyn, Glyn; Covey, Judith; Matthews, Elaine; Pill, Roisin Presenting risk information--A review of the effects of `framing` and other manipulations on patient outcomes 2001

Edwards, Adrian; Matthews, Elaine; Pill, Roisin; Bloor, Michael Communication about risk: Diversity among primary care professional 1998

Edwards, Adrian; Matthews, Elaine; Pill, Roisin; Bloor, Michael Communication about risk: the responses of primary care professionals to standardizing the `language of risk` and communication tools. 1998

Edwards, Adrian; Unigwe, S.; Elwyn, G.; Hood, K. Personalized risk communication for informed desicion making about entering screening programs (Cochrane Review) 2003

Eiser, J. R. Communication and interpretation of risk 1998

Elting, Linda S.; Martin, Charles G.; Cantor, Scott B.; Rubenstein, Edward B. Influence of data display formats on physician investigators` decisions to stop clinical trials: prospective trial with repeated measures 1999

Environmental Protection Agency Hazardous substances in our environment: A citizen`s guide to understanding health risks and reducing exposure. 1990

Erb, Hans-Peter; Bioy, Antoine; Hilton, Denis J. Choice preferences without inferences: Subconscious priming of risk attitudes 2002

Erev, Ido; Cohen, Brent L. Verbal versus numerical probabilities: Efficiency, biases, and the preference paradox 1990

Escoffery, Joelle Suchy Causes and consequences of comparative risk assessment 2002

Essien, E.J.; Ross, M.W.; Linares, A.C.; Osemene, N.I. Perception of reliability of human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS information sources 2000

Evans, D. G. R.; Burnell, L. D.; Hopwood, P.; Howell, A. Perception of risk in women with a family history of breast cancer 1993

Evans, Geoffrey; Bostrom, Ann The evolution of vaccine risk communication in the United States: 1982 - 2002 2002

Evers, Kerry E.; Bishop, Carianne H.; Gerhan, Lisa S.; Weisse, Carol S. AIDS educator effectiveness as a function of sexual orientation and HIV status 1997

Facione, Noreen C. Perceived risk of breast cancer. Influence of heuristic thinking 2002

Fang, Carolyn Y.; Miller, Suzanne M.; Daly, Mary B.; Hurley, Karen The influence of attentional style and risk perceptions on intentions to undergo prophylactic oophorectomy among first-degree relatives 2002

Feldman, J. A.; Risbano, M.; Mitchell, P. M.; Metha, S. D.; Fish, S. S. Evaluating acceptance and understanding of risk in the emergency department: are all risk statements created equally? 2002

Feldman-Stewart, Deb; Kocovski, Nancy; McConnell, Beth A.; Brundage, Michael D.; Mackillop, William J. Perception of quantitative information for treatment decisions 2000

Ferguson, Eamonn The roles of contextual moderation and personality in relation to the knowledge-risk link in the workplace 2001

Finendale, M. J. Toward less misleading comparisons of uncertain risks: the example of aflatoxin and alar. 1993

Finkel, A. M. Toward less misleading comparisons of uncertain risks: the example of aflatoxin and alar. 1995

Finucane, Melissa L.; Alhakami, Ali; Slovic, Paul; Johnson, Stephen M. The affect heuristic in judgments of risks and benefits 2000

Fischhoff, B.; Bostrom, A.; Quadrel, M. J Risk perception and communication. 1993

Fischhoff, B.; Downs, J. S. Communicating Foodborne Disease Risk 1997

Fischhoff, Baruch Risk: A guide to controversy 1989

Fischhoff, Baruch Why (cancer) risk communication can be hard. 1998

Fischhoff, Baruch Risk perception and communication unplugged: twenty years of process. 1995

Fischhoff, Baruch; MacGregor, Don Judged lethality: How much people seem to know depends upon how much they are asked 1983

Fischhoff, Baruch; de Bruin, Wandi Bruine Fifty-fifty = 50% ? 1999

Fisher, A.; Johnson, F. R. Radon risk communication research: practical lessons. 1990

Fisher, A.; McClelland, G. H.; Schulze, W. D.; Doyle, J. K. Communicating the risk from radon. 1991

Fisher, Ann Risk communication challenges 1991

Fisher, Ann Planning indoor air risk communication programs: Lessons for alerting people versus reassuring them 1993

Fisher, Ann; Chen, Ya-Chin Customer perceptions of agency risk communication. 1996

Flora, June A.; Schooler, Caroline; Mays, Vickie M.; Cochran, Susan D. Exploring a model of symbolic social communication: The case of 1996

Flugstad, Annette R.; Windschitl, Paul D. The influence of reasons on interpretations of probability forecasts 2003

Fong, Geoffrey T.; Rempel, Lynn A.; Hall, Peter A. Challenges to improving health risk communication in the 21st century: a discussion. 1999

Forlani, David; Mullins, John W.; Walker, Orville C. New product decision making: How chance and size of loss influence what marketing managers see and do 2002

Forrow, Lachlan; Taylor, William C.; Arnold, Robert M. Absolutely relative: how research results are summarized can affect treatment decisions. 1992

Fox, Craig R.; Irwin, Julie R. The role of context in the communication of uncertain beliefs 1998

Fox, S. A.; Murata, P. J.; Stein, J. A. The impact of physician compliance on screening mammography for older women. 1991

Frazier, E. L.; Jiles, R. B.; Mayberry, R. Use of screening mammography and clinical breast examinations among black, Hispanic, and white women. 1996

Freeman, R. C.; French, J. F. What is the addicts` grapevine when there`s `bad dope`? An investigation in New Jersey. 1995

Freimuth, V. S.; Mettger, W. Is there a hard-to-reach audience? 1990

Freimuth, V. S.; Van Nevel, J. P. Channels and vehicles of communication: the asbestos awareness campaign. 1993

French, D. P.; Gayton, E. L.; Burton, J.; Thorogood, M.; Marteau, T. M. Measuring perceptions of synergistic circulatory disease risk due to smoking and the oral contraceptive pill 2002

Freudenburg, W. R.; Rursch, J. A. The risks of "Putting the numbers in context": a cautionary tale. 1994

Frewer, L. J.; Howard, C.; Hedderley, D.; Shepherd, R. What determines trust in information about food-related risks? Underlying psychological constructs. 1996

Frewer, L. J.; Howard, C.; Hedderley, D.; Shepherd, R. The elaboration likelihood model and communication about food risks. 1997

Frewer, L. J.; Miles, S.; Marsh, R. The media and genetically modified foods: evidence in support of social amplification of risk 2002

Frewer, Lynn J. Public risk perceptions and risk communication 1999

Friel, S.; Hope, A.; Kelleher, C.; Comer, S.; Sadlier, D. Impact evaluation of an oral health intervention amongst primary school children in Ireland 2002

Frost, Susie; Myers, Lynn B.; Newman, Stanton P. Genetic screening for Alzheimer`s disease: What factors predict intentions to take a test? 2001

Fuller, R.; Dudley, N.; Blacktop, J. How informed is consent? Understanding of pictorial and verbal probability information by medical inpatients 2002

Fuller, R.; Dudley, N.; Blacktop, J. Risk communication and older people-understanding of probability and risk information by medical inpatients aged 75 years and older 2001

Gabbard-Alley, Anne S Health communication and gender: A review and critique 1995

Gail, Mitchell H.; Costantino, Joseph P.; Bryant, John; Croyle, Robert; Freedman, Laurence; Helzlsouer, Kathy Weighing the risks and benefits of tamoxifen treatment for preventing breast cancer. 1999

Garrud, Paul; Wood, Matthew; Stainsby, Louise Impact of risk information in a patient education leaflet 2001

Garte, S. J. Communication of relative carcinogenic risks: a quantitative approach. 1990

Gasper, Karen; Clore, Gerald L. The persistent use of negative affect by anxious individuals to estimate risk 1998

Gasper, Karen; Clore, Gerald L. Do you have to pay attention to your feelings to be influenced by them? 2000

Gerbert, B.; Bleecker, T.; Saub, E. Risk perception and risk communication: benefits of dentist-patient discussions. 1995

Gerrard, Meg; Gibbons, Frederick X.; Reis-Bergen, Monica The effect of risk communication on risk perceptions: the significance of individual differences. 1999

Gibbons, Frederick X.; McGovern, Paul G.; Lando, Harry A. Relapse and risk perception among members of a smoking cessation clinic. 1991

Gigerenzer, G. The psychology of good judgment: frequency formats and simple algorithms. 1996

Gigerenzer, Gerd; Hoffrage, Ulrich How to improve Bayesian reasoning without instruction: Frequency formats 1995

Golding, Dominic; Krimsky, Sheldon; Plough, Alonzo Evaluating risk communication: narrative vs. technical presentations of information about radon. 1992

Gordon-Lubitz, Rebecca Jean Risk communication: Problems of presentation and understanding 2003

Gots, Ronald E. Public versus personal risk: The challenge in environmental risk communication 1994

Grady, K. E.; Lemkau, J. P.; McVay, J. M.; Reisine, S. T. The importance of physician encouragement in breast cancer screening of older women. 1992

Grant, F. C.; Laupacis, A.; O`Connor, A. M.; Rubens, F.; Robblee, J. Evaluation of a decision aid for patients considering autologous blood donation before open-heart surgery 2001

Gray, Abby Health communication during fetal development: An examination of obstetrician-gynecologists` and patients` 1993

Gray, Philip C. R. Waste incineration: Controversy and risk communication 1995

Green, Emma; Short, Simon D.; Duarte-Davidson, Raquel; Levy, Leonard S. Public and professional perceptions of environmental and health risks 1999

Green, M. J.; Fost, N. An interactive computer program for educating and counseling patients about genetic susceptibility to breast cancer. 1997

Greening, L.; Dollinger, S.J. Adolescents` perceptions of lightning and tornado risks 1992

Greening, Leilani; Chandler, Carla C. Why it can`t happen to me: The base rate matters, but overestimating skill leads to underestimating risk 1997

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