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ATF Jobs

Frequently Asked Questions

Updated: 4/12/04

bullet Special Agent FAQs

  1. What types of jobs are there in ATF?

  2. What are the job requirements for a special agent?

  3. Where can I take the Treasury Enforcement Agent (TEA) exam?

  4. How do I apply for any position in ATF?

  5. What are the requirements for an ATF Forensic Chemist?

  6. Does ATF have a student volunteer program?

  7. Who may qualify under the Veteran's Readjustment Authority (VRA)?

  8. Who qualifies under the 30% or More Disabled Veteran Program?

  9. How do I qualify under the Outstanding Scholar Program?

  10. I am currently in a Federal status employee, do I have to take the TEA exam to qualify at the GS-5/7 level?

  11. I do not have Federal status, I have no investigative background, nor am I eligible for the VRA program (refer to question #8), what do I have to do to become an ATF agent?

  12. How do I register to take the Treasury Enforcement Agent (TEA) exam?

  13. May I send my application in for consideration for ATF special agent positions even though you don't have a vacancy announcement open at this time?

  14. What type of degree or course work is helpful in receiving consideration for a Special Agent position?

  15. Can I qualify for Special Agent positions at grades GS-5 or 7 under the Outstanding Scholar Program?

1. What types of jobs are there in ATF?

Series / Title


Fingerprint Identification Specialist


Security Administration Specialist


Intelligence Specialist


Intelligence Clerk


Personnel Management Specialist


Personnel Clerk


Staffing Specialist


Classification Specialist


Salary Administration Specialist


Employee Relations Specialist


Labor Relations Specialist


Employee Development Specialist


Equal Opportunity Specialist


Miscellaneous Management




Mail and File Clerk






Office Automation Clerk


Computer Specialist


Program Manager


Administrative Officer


Support Services Specialist


Management Analyst


Management or Program Clerk


Equipment Operator


Equal Opportunity Assistant


Telecommunications Clerk


Telecommunications Specialist


Financial Management Specialist


Finance Clerk


Financial Manager






Accounting Technician


Budget Analyst


Budget Assistant


Tax Examiner


Electronics Technician


General Attorney


Legal Instruments Examiner


Legal Clerk


Information Specialist


Public Affairs Specialist






Visual Information Specialist


Contract Specialist


Purchasing Clerk


Procurement Clerk


Property Disposal Clerk


Physical Scientist




Document Analyst




Statistical Assistant


Printing Management Specialist


Explosive Enforcement Specialist


Investigative Assistant


Criminal Investigator


ATF Inspector


Program Supply Specialist


Supply Clerk


Inventory Management Specialist


Traffic Management Specialist


Small Arms Repairman


2. What are the job requirements for a special agent?

See answer to question #3


3. Where can I take the Treasury Enforcement Agent (TEA) exam?

The ATF Special Agent written TEA exam is currently closed.

ATF is not accepting any applications for ATF Special Agent positions at this time. Any vacancy announcements for ATF Special Agent positions will be posted on the ATF web page at Please Do NOT send an application if there is no vacancy announcement number open to receipt of applications.

When a decision to re-open the exam is made, we will notify the general public as to application procedures.


4. How do I apply for any position in ATF?

ATF does not maintain an applicant supply file for any of its positions, therefore, to receive consideration for a position in ATF, you must apply to a specific vacancy announcement number. If there is a specific vacancy announcement for which you want to receive consideration, obtain a copy of the announcement (refer to question number 1. Where can I find information on ATF vacancy announcements?) and follow the guidelines below:


Click here for CareerConnector Application Procedures

Click here for Application Procedures NOT Announced under CareerConnector

What vacancies to look for:

Review the list of openings, decide which jobs you are interested in, and follow the instructions given. Applicants who have never worked in the Federal Government should look for vacancy announcements that are open for "Non-status" or to "All Sources". For the most part, OPM no longer maintains registers of eligibles for positions.

Other information:

If you served on active duty in the United States Military and were separated under honorable conditions, you may be eligible for veterans' preference. To receive preference if your service began after October 15, 1976, you must have a Campaign Badge, Expeditionary Medal, or a service-connected disability. For further details, call OPM at (912) 757-3000. Select "Federal Employment Topics" and then "Veterans." Or, dial OPM's electronic bulletin board at (912) 757-3100.

Veterans' preference is not a factor for Senior Executive Service (SES) jobs or when competition is limited to status candidates (current or former Federal career or career-conditional employees).

To claim 5-point veterans' preference, attach a copy of your DD-214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, or other proof of eligibility.

To claim 10-point veterans' preference, attach an SF 15, Application for 10-Point Veterans' Preference, plus the proof required by that form.

Before hiring, an agency will ask you to complete a "Declaration for Federal Employment" to determine your suitability for Federal employment and to authorize a background investigation. The agency will also ask you to sign and certify the accuracy of all the information in your application.

If you are a male over age 18 who was born after December 31, 1959, you must have registered with the Selective Service System (or have an exemption) to be eligible for a Federal job.

If you make a false statement in any part of your application, you may not be hired; you may be fired after you begin work; or you may be fined or jailed.


5. What are the requirements for an ATF Forensic Chemist? GS-1320-Forensic Chemist

ENTRY LEVEL: A. Successful completion of a full 4-year course in study in an accredited college or university leading to a bachelor's or higher degree in physical sciences, life sciences, or engineering that included 30 semester hours in chemistry, supplemented by course work in mathematics through differential and integral calculus, and at least 6 semester hours of physics. OR Combination of education and experience--course work equivalent to a major as shown in A above, including at least 30 semester hours in chemistry, supplemented by mathematics through differential and integral calculus, and at least 6 semester hours of physics, plus appropriate experience or additional education.

Forensic Chemists are employed by ATF to examine physical evidence related to the mission of the Bureau. This evidence may come from the scene of an explosion or fire, or it may be one of a variety of trace evidentiary materials (paint, tape, wire, metal, etc.). Following examination, Forensic Chemists may be called upon to testify to their findings in court.

Most ATF Forensic Chemists have at least a bachelor's degree in a physical science, with a heavy emphasis in chemistry.

Duties of a Forensic Chemist include, but are not limited to the following:

- Examines a wide variety of physical evidence associated with explosive and arson investigations.

- Provides court testimony on the basis of laboratory examinations.

- Responds to major crime scenes to assist law enforcement officers in the proper collection, preservation and packaging of physical evidence.

- Serves as an instructor in courses in the specialty area, including the design, preparation and delivery of the training.

- Participates in professional organizations including the preparation of written and oral presentations.


6. Does ATF have a student volunteer program?

The ATF Student Volunteer Service Program provides educationally related work assignments for students who desire to complement their education with "hands on" experience. The volunteer service is performed by a student, with the permission of the educational institution in which the student is enrolled. The purpose of the volunteer program is to provide educational enrichment, early career exploration, and to acquaint volunteers with Federal missions.

The majority of student volunteers are in ATF's Criminal Enforcement Programs area, and the volunteers work with Special Agents and assist them with their day to day duties. Activities of volunteers are structured to permit the volunteer to learn about the various functions of ATF Agents without exposing them to the dangers of the profession. Some of the activities performed by volunteers may include:

1. Interviews of witnesses in non-custodial situations.
2. Examination of court records and other public documents.
3. Liaison activities with other law enforcement agencies.
4. Surveillance activities, where the possibility of an enforcement action ensuing is remote and the volunteer's observations will not be needed in court.
5. Observation of court activities.

This program is limited to college students in their senior year with a major in criminal justice or fire science. A minimum of three hours per week is required. Volunteers will be limited to one semester of participation only. For more information on the program explained above, contact the nearest Criminal Enforcement Field Office.

Volunteer programs can be arranged in other areas too, such as: chemistry, legal research and administrative support. Individual schools will have their own general requirements for qualifying work assignments to suit the student's academic goals. This allows for a great deal of flexibility in regard to individual student and office needs.

Student Volunteers are not considered to be Federal employees (except for the purposes of injury compensation and the Torts Claims Act,) and therefore may not be converted to a Federal appointment after their scheduled work assignments are completed. However, their service and experience may be credited as related experience for competitive examination purposes.


7. Who may qualify under the Veteran's Readjustment Authority (VRA)?

The VRA is a special authority by which agencies can, if they wish, appoint an eligible veteran without competition. The candidate does not have to be on a list of eligibles, but must meet the basic qualification requirements for the position. The VRA is a convenient method of appointment for both the agency and the veteran. However, use of the authority is entirely discretionary and no one is entitled to a VRA appointment.

VRA appointees initially are hired for a 2-year period. Successful completion of the 2-year VRA appointment leads to a permanent civil service appointment.


You must have served on active duty for a period of more than 180 days which occurred after August 4, 1964, and received other than a dishonorable discharge. Active duty is full-time duty in the Armed Forces, other than active duty for training. You do not need to serve more than 180 days of active duty, if you were discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability.

Reserve and Guard members do not need to serve more than 180 days of active duty if: (1) they were ordered to active duty under section 672(a), 672(d), 672(g), 673, or 673(b) of Title 10, and (2) their active duty was during a period of war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge is authorized. For VRA eligibility, the term "period of war" includes Desert Storm/Shield, beginning August 2, 1990. No ending date has been set.


Eligible post-Vietnam era veterans qualify for 10 years after the date of your last discharge or release from active duty or until December 31, 1999, whichever is later.

Eligible Vietnam era veterans (those who served on active duty between August 5, 1964, and May 7, 1975) qualify until 10 years after your last discharge or separation from active duty or until December 1995, whichever is later.

Eligible veterans with a service-connected disability of 30% or more have no time limit.


If you are selected for a VRA and have less than 15 years of education, you must agree to participate in a training or educational program.


Agencies can use the VRA authority to fill white collar positions up through GS-11 and equivalent jobs under other pay systems.


Veterans Readjustment Appointments are in the excepted service. After two years of substantially continuous service under a Veterans Readjustment Appointment, providing your performance has been satisfactory, your appointment shall be converted to the competitive service.


You should contact the Federal agency personnel office where you are interested in working to find out about VRA opportunities. Agencies recruit candidates and make VRA appointments directly.

For a list of local agency personnel offices consult your telephone directory under "U.S. Government" for the nearest location and telephone number. top

8. Who qualifies under the 30% Or More Disabled Veteran Program?

Federal agencies have the authority, by law, to give noncompetitive appointments to any veteran who has a service-connected disability of 30% or more. Like the VRA, this authority is discretionary with the agency.


To be eligible you must be a disabled veteran who has a compensable service-connected disability of 30% or more and the disability must be officially documented by the Department of Defense or the Department of Veterans Affairs.


This authority covers all grade levels and occupations .


You must serve initially under a temporary appointment not limited to 60 days or less. After successfully performing on such a temporary appointment, the Federal agency may convert you to a permanent position.


You must meet all qualification requirements for any position to which you are appointed. This could include the requirement to achieve a passing score on a written test.

HOW TO APPLY: You should contact the Federal agency personnel office where you are interested in working to find out about opportunities. Agencies recruit candidates and make appointments directly. As a part of your application package, you will need a copy of a letter dated within the last 12 months from the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Department of Defense certifying receipt of compensation for a service-connected disability of 30% or more.


9. How do I qualify under the Outstanding Scholar Program?

The Outstanding Scholar Program is a special hiring authority established for entry-level positions at the GS-5 and GS-7 grade levels. This special hiring authority is used to fill approximately 100 positions in the Federal Government (see list on reverse). The Outstanding Scholar Program is authorized under the terms of a consent degree entered in Leuvano v. Newman (Civil Action No. 79-271). This Program is separate from consideration on the Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) competitor inventory (register). Eligibility under this authority is based strictly on academic achievement. Applicants who meet the requirements under the Outstanding Scholar Program are not required to take a written test; they may make application directly to agencies; and they may make such application at any time an agency is in a recruiting mode.

Requirements Under the Outstanding Scholar Program:

To qualify for consideration under the Outstanding Scholar Program, you must be a college graduate and have a grade-point average (GPA) of 3.5 or above, on a 4.0 scale, for all undergraduate course work, or have graduated in the upper 10 percent of your class or major university subdivision. Your GPA can be rounded in the following manner: a 3.44 is rounded down to 3.4; a 3.45 is rounded up to 3.5.

How to Apply for a Job

You may apply directly to any Federal agency for any position

listed on the reverse of this sheet provided you meet the requirements of the Outstanding Scholar Program and the basic qualification requirements for the position. You may write or visit the Personnel Director of the Federal agency in which you are interested in working. These addresses and telephone numbers are located in the blue pages of the local telephone directory. You will be asked to provide a resume; OF-612, Optional Application for Federal Employment, or an SF-171, Application for Federal Employment to describe your background and qualifications. You will also be asked to provide a copy of your transcripts or grade reports for all of your undergraduate work. The Personnel Office will use these to determine your cumulative GPA. If you feel that you qualify for this program based on class rank, you must provide a letter from your college or university, on school letterhead, attesting to your class rank and that this rank was within the top 10% of your graduating class.


10. I am currently in a Federal status employee, do I have to take the TEA exam to qualify at the GS-5/7/9 level?

ATF is not accepting any applications for ATF Special Agent positions at this time. Any vacancy announcements for ATF Special Agent positions will be posted on the ATF web page at Please Do NOT send an application if there is no vacancy announcement number open to receipt of applications.

When a decision to re-open the exam is made, we will notify the general public as to application procedures.



11. I do not have Federal status, I have no investigative background, nor am I eligible for the VRA program (refer to question #8), what do I have to do to become an ATF agent?

ATF is not accepting any applications for ATF Special Agent positions at this time. Any vacancy announcements for ATF Special Agent positions will be posted on the ATF web page at Please Do NOT send an application if there is no vacancy announcement number open to receipt of applications.

When a decision to re-open the exam is made, we will notify the general public as to application procedures.


12. How do I register to take the Treasury Enforcement Agent (TEA) exam?

ATF is not accepting any applications for ATF Special Agent positions at this time. Any vacancy announcements for ATF Special Agent positions will be posted on the ATF web page at Please Do NOT send an application if there is no vacancy announcement number open to receipt of applications.

When a decision to re-open the exam is made, we will notify the general public as to application procedures.


13. May I send my application in for consideration for ATF special agent positions even though you don't have a vacancy announcement open at this time?

No. To receive consideration for ATF special agent positions, you MUST apply directly to a vacancy announcement number.

Any vacancy announcements for ATF special agent positions will be posted on the ATF web page at . Do NOT send an application if there is no vacancy announcement number open to receipt of applications. You must read the announcement carefully to determine whether you qualify for the grades and area of consideration being announced.


14. What type of degree or course work is helpful in receiving consideration for a Special Agent position?

The following are qualifying, but not all inclusive: Criminal Justice, Accounting, Administration of Justice, Political Science, Fire Science, Chemistry, or related Criminal Justice forensic sciences. top

15. Can I qualify for Special Agent positions at grades GS-5 or 7 under the Outstanding Scholar Program?

No. top


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