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Hot News October 22, 2004  
Cover of the July Issue

Article on the Ins and Outs of Exporting Software Just Published in Export America Magazine

Exporting Software, Sorting Out the Details, by R. Clay Woods, Office of Information Technologies and Electronic Commerce

Globalization is receiving a lot of attention these days. The widespread availability of the Internet, rapidly declining telecommunications costs, transitions to market economies overseas, and trade liberalization are bolstering the process of globalization. As a key ingredient of the Information Age, computer software has been both an agent an beneficiary of these pheomena...

Full Article

ITI Events
2nd OECD Workshop on SPAM, Busan, Korea, September 8-9, 2004

India and the United States: Protecting Critical Information Infrastructures Alliance, Delhi, India, October 12-13, 2004

Technology Recycling: Achieving Consensus for Stakeholders, Washington, DC, September 21, 2004

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