BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Doing Business In Singapore

Our Programs & Services for U.S. Exporters seeking representation in Singapore

CS Singapore offers a wide variety of programs and activities to help American companies prosper in the ASEAN economies. Some are free and some are cost-based. Find out more about our most popular programs below:

Promote Your Company on Our U.S. Commercial Service Website

Let us feature your company on our website directory of U.S. exporters, designed with Singapore importers and buyers in mind. For a limited time, it's free! more...

Platinum Key Service

provides sustained marketing support over a 12-month period by the U.S. Commercial Service in Singapore for U.S. firms. more...

Gold Key Service

is a customized matchmaking service for U.S. business visitors in need of a partner, agent, distributor or licensee in Singapore. more...

Video Gold Key Matching Service

provides clients an opportunity to conduct initial interviews with prospective business partners prior to visiting a country. more...

The International Partner Search (IPS)

is designed for new-to-market companies that are not yet ready to visit Singapore. During an IPS search, a Commercial Specialist in Singapore uses an American company's promotional literature to search for qualified agents, distributors or representatives. The Specialist then provides the U.S. firm with a contact report containing background information on those firms and an assessment of the market's receptiveness to the U.S. firm's products. more...

Quick Take

provides quick, informal take on the Singapore market for a prospective client. more...

E-Info Asia Market Alerts

is a free web-based, email distribution service. It keeps you up-to-date on regional commercial economic trends and activities. more...

Company Reference Check (CRC)

provides background information on the Singapore firm, including the Singapore government Registry of Companies and Businesses (RCB) profile and, where available, financial statements for the Singapore company for the last two years. more...

Customized Market Research

provides U.S. firms with customized information on overseas markets. more...

Single Company Promotion