National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

Health Information

Bullet Health Topics
Bullet Order Publications

Studies with Patients

Bullet Patient Research Registries
Bullet Outreach Programs
Bullet NIAMS Coalition Members
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Outreach Programs

NIAMS Health Partnership Program

  • Race and ethnic health disparities
  • Community Health Center (CHC) in Washington, D.C.

NIAMS Coalition Members

Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic

NIAMS Exhibits (photos)

NIAMS Exhibit Schedule

NIAMS Curriculum Program

In collaboration with the NIH Office of Science Education (OSE), the NIAMS is developing a curriculum supplement for 6th to 8th grade students called "Looking Good, Feeling Good: From the Inside Out", to be released in the fall of 2004. The purpose of this curriculum is to highlight NIAMS scientific research and to provide students with an opportunity to understand how the muscle, skin, and bone systems contribute to health and well being. Contact Liz Freedman at (301) 496-8190 or for more information.

NIAMS Office of Scientific Interchange

NIAMS Intramural Research Summer Student Program

NIAMS Adopted School

Woodrow Wilson Senior High School, in Washington, D.C, is NIAMS' Adopted school. NIAMS participates in the annual Groundhog Shadow Day, when students accompany employees throughout the workday. Also, NIAMS employees mentor students and recruit judges for school science fairs. For more information or to suggest some learning activities, call (301) 496-0801 or e-mail

Patient Representatives Group

This group enables NIAMS to get feedback on our programs from patients enrolled in our clinical research studies and from individuals interested in these programs. Contact Janet Austin at (301) 496-8190 or for more information.

NIAMS' Rheumatology Network

The NIAMS has initiated a new effort linking NIAMS and community rheumatologists: the NIAMS Rheumatology Network (NRN). The network focuses on education, research and communication, and is intended to benefit community doctors and the NIAMS intramural program at the same time. Among the activities of the NRN are meetings in which updates in the science and practice of rheumatology are presented by NIAMS investigators, new protocols and ongoing study findings are discussed, and clinical case discussions among community and NIAMS clinicians can be conducted. Another aspect of the program connects NIAMS rheumatology fellows with rheumatologists in the community, providing an opportunity to experience community practice in rheumatology. Contact Barbara Mittleman at (301) 402-7696 or for more information.

NIH Speakers Bureau

The NIH Speakers Bureau is a service that lists NIH researchers, clinicians, and other professionals who are available to speak to school groups and other local and national organizations.

The NIH Office of Science Education

The NIH Office of Science Education (OSE) plans, develops, and coordinates a comprehensive science education program to strengthen and enhance efforts of the NIH to attract young people to biomedical and behavioral science careers and to improve science literacy in both adults and children.

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