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Stennis Space Center Office of Education
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Hughes Aircraft Company
Rockwell International Corporation
Honeywell, Incorporated
AlliedSignal Aerospace Company
Cray Research, Incorporated
United Technologies Corporation
TRW, Incorporated
Computer Sciences Corporation
McDonnell Douglas Corporation
Teledyne Brown Engineering, Incorporated
IBM Corporation
The Boeing Company
Lockheed Martin Corporation
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Education Initiative


WHEREAS the United States has made a commitment to achieve fundamental improvement in its educational system and has established clear national education goals, including making U. S. students first in the world in science and mathematics achievement;

WHEREAS space and the U. S. Space Program have proved to be powerful motivators and are used by the educational system to promote interest and achievement in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology;

WHEREAS NASA, as a major Government agency, depends upon the educational system for a skilled and knowledgeable workforce and has estabilshed a Strategic Plan for Education to promote excellence in America's educational system through enhancing and expanding scientific and technical competence;

WHEREAS NASA has determined that the industry partners of the NASA-Industry Education Initiative can represent a significant force in shaping national educational reform and has resolved to work with these companies in areas of mutual interest and acitvities in support of its strategic plan for education;

WHEREAS NASA and the group of private-sector contractors that originally formed the voluntary cooperative effort known as the NASA-Industry Education Initiative (NIEI), may wish to expand the membership, invitations may be extended to other companies and organizations that subscribe to the general guidelines set forth in this Memorandum of Agreement;

BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, that these industry partners of the NIEI agree to work together to achieve the national education goals, to support NASA's strategic plan for education and have signified such by signing the attached signature sheet.

Signatures. Click for more info.Signatures. Click for more info.

WHEREAS a priority of the Department of Education's Strategic Plan is to help all students reach higher academic standards so that they are prepared for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment:

WHEREAS a second priority of the Department of Education is to create a comphrehensive school-to-work opportunities system in every State:

THEREFORE the Department of Education encourages and endorses partnerships between Federal agencies and the private sector to achieve these priorities in support of the National Education Goals.

Signature of Madeline Kunin, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Education

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