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Local Area Personal Income

For help and instructions, downloadable files, and other information please read the notes below.

Step 1. Select a series. This will change options below.
Personal income and population summary estimates (CA1-3)
Detailed income and employment tables by NAICS industry, 2001-2002 (CA05 and CA25)
Detailed income and employment tables by SIC industry, 1969-2000 (CA05 and CA25)
Detailed tables of regional profiles, personal current tranfers, farm income, 1969-2002 (CA30-CA45)
Wage and salary summary estimates (CA34)
Single line of data for all counties (3183 rows returned; please limit years selected to speed process)
CA34 — wage and salary summary estimates
Step 2. Select one estimate, one area, and one or more years. (help)

*December 2003 OMB metropolitan area definitions, released by OMB in February 2004.
**Nonmetropolitan state portion includes micropolitan counties.
Step 3. Press Display to view a table, or Download to retrieve comma-separated-value text.


  • The Series buttons at the top of the page control table selections. Click on different series buttons to get different table options.
  • To view county-level information first display a State. Use the CTRL and/or Shift keys to select multiple years. Press Display to display your selection in HTML tables, and Download to download a comma-separated-value text file. After displaying a table, you have the option to show one estimate for all counties and MSAs in that State by clicking on the line code next to the estimate. If you select Download it is recommended that you specify an output file name with a CSV extension. If you select Download you need to do the following after the information is displayed:
    1. Select your browser's "Save As" menu item
    2. Select a file type of "Text file"
    3. Name your file with a CSV, PRN, or TXT extension.
  • The greater the number of years selected, the slower the request will be. A submission that requests too much information has the possibility of timing out. If you are displaying information, you will want to consider how large your table will be; a table with a lot of years (columns) may be difficult to read because of its large width.
  • The local area estimates in the above tables also appear on the Regional Economic Information System (REIS) CD–ROM, which, although not yet available to order, is available as a large download.

Additional files

  • CA1–3— Personal income, per capita personal income, and population, compressed comma-separated-value (CSV) files
  • Personal income and per capita personal income, 2000-2002, with year 2002 rankings of per capita personal income.
    Choose an area from this list—
  • BEARFACTS, a narrative about an area's personal income using current estimates, growth rates, and a breakdown of the sources of personal income.
  • Journey to Work— the number of commuters from a county of residence to a county of work, for 1970, 1980, and 1990, and commuters and average wages by industry by state and county, 2000.
  • Map of U.S. counties showing percent of U.S. per capita personal income 1969-2002
  • 250 highest and lowest per capita personal incomes of the 3111 counties in the United States, 2002.
  • CA34— County and MSA total wage and salary disbursements, total wage employment, and average wage per job
  • The REIS CD-ROM is available for ordering and download.

New estimates of 2002 county personal income and revised estimates for 1969-2001 were released May 25, 2004. These estimates incorporate the results of the comprehensive revision to the national income and product accounts (NIPAs) released December 10, 2003, and to state personal income released April 27,2004. The revised estimates also reflect the new and revised county-level source data. These estimates incorporate new OMB metropolitan area definitions released June 2003 (with revisions released February 2004).

Bureau of Economic Analysis is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce Logo U.S. Department of Commerce