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Regional Accounts Articles

Please select one of the six following items
Overview of the regional programs
Recent Survey articles relating to data releases
Current news releases in the regional program areas
Comprehensive revision and analytical Survey articles
Methodologies for the regional programs
Definitions, geography, BEA user group program, and other information
Description Title Source Format

Annual and Quarterly Survey Articles Overview of the Regional Economic Accounts SCB, March 2003 PDF (683kb)
State Personal Income: Fourth Quarter 2003 SCB, May 2004 PDF (1.11Mb)
Gross State Product by Industry, 1999–2001 SCB, June 2003 PDF (2.22Mb)
Comprehensive Revision of State Personal Income: Preliminary Estimates for 2003 and Revised Estimates for 1969-2002 SCB, May 2004 PDF (1.11Mb)
Comprehensive Revision of Local Area Personal Income: Preliminary Estimates for 2002 and Revised Estimates for 1969-2001 SCB, June 2004 PDF (522kb)
Bureau of Economic Analysis is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce Logo U.S. Department of Commerce