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Submit Resume

The CIA is committed to protecting your privacy and will collect no personal information about you unless you choose to provide that information to us. The resume data you do submit will be used for employment consideration only and will be stored in an internal resume tracking system for one year. Your data is only available to a limited number of hiring officials and will not be shared with any other people or organizations internally or externally unless you indicate otherwise. For more Privacy and Security details, click on links.

Submitting this resume form begins the application process but does not constitute a formal application at this stage. Your online resume will be forwarded to our automated recruitment tracking system and our recruiters will match your skills against our needs. If there is a fit, a recruiter will contact you by telephone or email.

Please read ALL of the following instructions before you begin the resume builder.

Enable Browser Caching
This resume form requires that browser caching is enabled. If caching is disabled, loss of previously entered data will result when re-submitting the resume after an error is encountered within the form.

To check that caching is enabled, answer the first question of the form, "Are you a US Citizen?", by selecting the value of "Yes" or "No" and then clicking the SUBMIT button. You will get an error message of, "No value selected for Position. Please correct the error before resubmitting the resume. Click on the browser's BACK button to return to the resume form". Click on the BACK button of the browser to redisplay the resume form. If caching is enabled the "Yes" or "No" value will still be selected for the question, "Are you a US Citizen?" If no value is selected, then caching is disabled. To enable caching for a Netscape or Internet Explorer browser, follow these steps:

Netscape Navigator

  • Select Edit, Preferences from the menu bar.
  • Select Advanced, Cache
  • Click on the selection, 'Once per session' for 'Document in cache is compared to document on network' or 'Compare the page in cache to the page on network'
  • Click OK.

Internet Explorer

  • Select Tools or View menu
  • Choose Internet Options
  • Click on the General tab
  • In the 'Temporary Internet files' section select Settings
  • Click on the selection, 'Every time you start Internet Explorer' for the Check for newer versions of stored pages'.
  • Click on OK twice.

America Online (AOL) Users

After logging on to AOL, you must open a separate browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer), as there are issues internal to AOL that may conflict with this resume form.

Disable Pop-Up Blocking Software

In order to receive confirmation that your resume was successfully sent, you must temporarily disable any pop-up blocking software currently enabled. After clicking SUBMIT when your resume is complete, a pop-up box will appear. If this box does not appear, your resume submission has been unsuccessful.

RESUME BUILDER INSTRUCTIONS: After completing all of the required fields (optional fields will be marked), click on the SUBMIT button at the top or at the end of the form. If any fields are missing or have invalid characters, an error message will be displayed. You must then click on the browser's BACK button to return to the form. Correct the indicated error and resubmit your form. Entries that are too long may be abbreviated to fit into a field. Please submit only one resume even if you are interested in multiple positions. Our resume tracking system will extract all of your relevant qualifications for consideration against all other applicable openings. If you find that you need to update your resume, you may submit a new resume; our resume tracking system will merge and update your electronic file.

For your protection, this site uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) when you submit your resume. Your browser must support 128-bit encryption for you to submit your resume. To verify that your browser will allow you to submit a resume, please click on the "128-bit Browser Encryption Test" button below before filling out the form. If you receive a success page, you will be able to enter your data in the form and then submit your resume. If you receive an error page, you must either locate a different computer that supports 128-bit encryption or obtain an update for the browser you are currently using.

The form view may be printed before submission, however, the text in the scrollable boxes will not print in its entirety. You will not be able to modify this form once submitted.

It is a requirement for all positions in the CIA that you be a US citizen, either naturalized or by birth.

Are you a US Citizen?   Yes No

Are you willing to relocate to the Washington, DC area?   Yes No

Do you authorize the CIA to share your resume with other elements of the federal government for employment purposes?   Yes No

Position applying for:   

How did you learn about this website?  

Social Security Number:     (example: 999-99-9999)

Notice:You are hereby advised that the authority for soliciting your Social Security Number (SSN) is Executive Order 9397. Since other people may have the same name and birth date, your SSN will be used to identify you precisely. Although disclosure of your SSN is not mandatory, your failure to do so will impede completion of your application.

Prefix (Optional)
First Name
Middle Name (Optional)
Last Name
Suffix (Optional)
Phone   (Phone # format: 999-9999.  Extension is optional.)
  Area Code Phone # Extension  

Address #1
Address Type  
Street/P.O. Box  
Apt./Suite #

Address #2 (Optional)
Address Type  
Street/P.O. Box  
Apt./Suite #


Skills / Professional Licenses and Certifications (1,000 character limit.)


(Please assess your reading, speaking and comprehension for any foreign language for which you claim proficiency.  If none, please choose "None" in the first language field.)

The proficiency level is based on a scale ranging from the most experienced of 5-Functional Native to the least experienced of 1-Elementary.

Language #1 Proficiency Level
Language #2 Proficiency Level
Language #3 Proficiency Level


(List most recent school information first.)

School #1
Other School #1 (Enter only if not included within dropdown list above.)

Graduation Date Month Year  
School #2 (Optional)

Other School #2 (Enter only if not included within dropdown list above.)

Graduation Date Month Year  


School #3 (Optional)

Other School #3 (Enter only if not included within dropdown list above.)

Graduation Date Month Year  


(List most current or most relevant jobs.)

Employer #1
Job Title
Start Date Month Year
End Date (Leave blank if you are still with this employer.)
Month Year

Work Description (1,000 character limit.)

Employer #2
Job Title
Start Date Month Year
End Date Month Year
Work Description (1,000 character limit.)

Employer #3
Job Title
Start Date Month Year
End Date Month Year
Work Description (1,000 character limit.)

Overseas Experience

(Please discuss any extensive overseas travel, overseas work experience, and/or schooling abroad.   Please choose the appropriate continent from the list and specify the countries in the Overseas Experience field. If none, please choose "None" in the first region field.  List your most recent overseas experience first.)

Region #1
Start Date Month Year
End Date Month Year
Overseas Experience (1,000 character limit.)

Region #2

Start Date Month Year
End Date Month Year
Overseas Experience (1,000 character limit.)

Military Experience (Please discuss any military experience.  If none, please choose "None" in the service field.)

Service Rank

Start Date Month Year
End Date Month Year
Military Experience (1,000 character limit. Please include any special qualifications or certifications.)

Objective (Your career goal in taking a position with CIA. 1,000 character limit.)

For your protection, this site uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption when you submit your resume.  The form view may be printed before submission, however, the text in the scrollable boxes will not print in its entirety.  You will not be able to modify this form once submitted.

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