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Environmental Excellence Awards

Through its annual Environmental Excellence Awards, TVA recognizes employees and teams that have shown outstanding leadership in fulfilling TVA’s environmental policies and principles. Here are the winners for 2003.

Management Commitment

• Integrate responsible environmental practices into business operations by establishing goals, measuring progress, and reporting on performance through a comprehensive environmental management system.

• Factor environmental considerations into business decisions.

• Train TVA employees in their environmental responsibilities, expect them to use effective environmental processes, and hold them accountable for their performance.

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Management Commitment Award Winner: TPS Pit Crew Team

Representatives pictured: Doug Smith, Allen Miller, Joan Dodd, Don Knight


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Environmental Compliance Award Winner and Environmental Excellence of the Year Award Winner: Allen Fossil Plant

Representatives pictured: (Seated) Carvetta Williams, Noel Mizell, Deanne Hardy; (standing) Dannis Biniakewitz, Frank Dominioni

Environmental Compliance

• Comply with environmental laws and regulations.

• Assess the effects of TVA operations on the environment.

• Operate with a goal of continuous improvement.


Environmental Protection and Stewardship

• Manage the competing demands on the river system and Valley resources by optimizing their value to diverse stakeholder interests.

• Practice responsible environmental stewardship of the Valley’s natural resources.

• Encourage our customers, suppliers, and partners to do the same.

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Environmental Protection and Stewardship Award Winner: Spencer Boardman


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Pollution Prevention and Control Award Winner: Fuel By-Products Staff

Representatives pictured:
Kathy Harper, Mike Sutton, Cheri Miller

Pollution Prevention and Control

Minimize the effects of our operations on the environment through a combination of:

• Demand-side management

• Source reduction

• Recycling and reuse

• Pollution control.


Partnerships/Public Involvement

• Build partnerships through effective two-way communications with our stakeholders and customers.

• Solicit and respond to public input that enables regional influence over regional resources.

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Partnerships/Public Involvement Award Winner: Green Power Switch

Representatives pictured: Rick Carson, Angela Hamlin


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Innovation and Technology Development Award Winner: Resource Management and Wetlands and Water Quality Team

Representatives pictured: Terry Yost, Laura Houke, Pat Jansen, Earl Bailey

Innovation and Technology Development

• Use our integrated power system as a living laboratory to showcase energy innovations and solutions.

• Develop technologies and expertise to serve the public good by finding new and better solutions for environmental protection.


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