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Land Management

picture of mountain streamTVA is responsible for the management of 293,000 acres of public land and 11,000 miles of public shoreline in the Tennessee Valley. In carrying out its land-management responsibilities, the corporation is guided by its mandate to consider the effects of its activities in such areas as land reclamation, public recreational use, economic development, and wildlife preservation.

Wildlife Habitat

More than 181,000 acres of TVA land have been set aside for natural resource management, including the enhancement of wildlife habitat.


Land reclamation has been a part of TVA’s activities since the agency’s founding in the 1930s, when the Tennessee Valley suffered severe soil erosion caused by unwise farming practices. TVA’s reclamation efforts, particularly in the Copper Basin, have earned national and international recognition.


In 1999, after extensive environmental review and public comment, TVA inaugurated its Shoreline Management Policy to improve the protection of shoreline and aquatic resources while continuing to allow reasonable public access to both.

Land Use

TVA encourages citizens to comment on proposals that involve any change in the use of the public lands under its management. When such a change is requested, whether by a governmental body or private citizen, TVA issues a land-use action notice seeking comments on the proposal.

For information on using TVA shoreline property or public land, or to get involved in TVA stewardship activities, contact a TVA Watershed Team member.

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Native Plant Selector

The online plant selector can help Tennessee Valley residents determine the best native plants to use for landscaping. The plant selector includes information and color photos of plants suitable for specific locations, such as the water’s edge, and specific goals, such as attracting wildlife.

Shoreline Stabilization

TVA helps property owners protect shorelines by providing information on landscaping plans that can help reduce erosion. The Riparian Restoration fact sheets cover everything from assessing your property to designing the landscape and selecting plants.