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Program Evaluation

View publications and other Web resources on evaluating the effectiveness of services for children and families affected by child abuse and neglect.

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Child Neglect Demonstration Projects: A Synthesis of Lessons Learned
Author(s): National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information.
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Year Published: 2004 - 13 pages
In 1996 and 1997, the Children's Bureau funded 10 demonstration projects to address the prevention, intervention, and treatment needs of neglected children and their families. These projects implemented and evaluated a wide variety of service strategies with large numbers of children and families. Programs varied considerably in terms of theoretical model (psychosocial or ecological), target population, location (in-home or out-of-home), duration, and intensity. This publication provides an overview of services and outcomes, common challenges and successful strategies, and lessons learned for the 10 projects. Specific project and contact information is provided in the appendix for readers interested in learning more ...

Children's Bureau Training and Technical Assistance Network
Author(s): Children's Bureau (HHS).
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Year Published: 2003 - 17 pages
This booklet provides an overview of the training and technical assistance network administered by the Children's Bureau. It is designed to communicate to States the focus of each of 12 National Resource Centers and the specific types of training and technical assistance each provides. Contact information for each Resource Center also is provided.

School-Based Child Maltreatment Programs: Synthesis of Lessons Learned
Author(s): Children's Bureau (DHHS)
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Year Published: 2003 - 9 pages
The Office on Child Abuse and Neglect awarded several grants during Fiscal Year 1997 to programs that utilized school resources for the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect. The three-year demonstration projects focused on collaboration between child protection agencies and school systems; education for parents, teachers, and children about child abuse and neglect; and the involvement of school staff in prevention and intervention. This report summarizes the service approaches and lessons learned by 11 demonstration programs as noted in their final reports. The projects found that training was effective in enhancing knowledge about the signs of child abuse ...

A Framework for Quality Assurance in Child Welfare
Author(s): O'Brien, Watson
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Year Published: 2002 - 82 pages
This guide outlines a framework for implementing quality assurance programs for child welfare services. The components are based on federal requirements, national standards, and child welfare research. Five steps are described: select outcomes and standards, integrate quality assurance goals and procedures throughout the agency, collect data about outcomes, analyze data, and improve systems as indicated by evaluation findings. Specific topics include the role of the quality assurance system in the Child and Family Services Review process, communication of quality assurance practices, and staff participation in analysis. The manual describes each step of the quality assurance system and reviews the tasks ...

Evaluation of Family Preservation and Reunification Programs. Interim Report.
Author(s): Westat, Chapin Hall Center for Children, and James Bell Associates
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Year Published: 2001 - 526 pages
Researchers conducted a national evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the Homebuilders family preservation program as implemented in Louisville, Kentucky; New Jersey; and Memphis, Tennessee. The Homebuilders model features short-term, time-limited services to families in their home. Workers counsel one or two families at a time and families are contacted within 24 hours of the report of a crisis. The test sites randomly assigned families to the Homebuilders program and to the regular child welfare services. Interviews with caseworkers and parents were conducted to assess parent-child relationships, discipline techniques, housing, child development, and the occurrence of child abuse and neglect. ...

National Evaluation of Family Support Programs Volume A: The Meta-Analysis
Author(s): Layzer, Goodson, Bernstein, Price
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Year Published: 2001 - 99 pages
As part of the national evaluation of family support programs mandated by the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1993, the Administration on Children, Youth and Families contracted with Abt Associates Inc. to conduct a meta-analysis of existing research about the effectiveness of different types of programs and the impact of services on families with a variety of needs and characteristics. The meta-analysis provides a statistical summary of 665 studies of 260 programs. In general, the findings revealed that family support services resulted in slight improvements in some outcomes. However, existing research has not identified one model that is effective for all ...

National Study of Child Protective Services Systems and Reform Efforts. Literature Review.
Author(s): Walter R. McDonald and Associates
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Year Published: 2001 - 36 pages
Compiled as part of a national study of trends in child protective service reform, this literature review summarizes recent proposals for system change and the development of innovative approaches to the protection of children. In general, the literature has criticized traditional child protective services as too invasive and too focused on severe problems, while not enough services are provided to children at low-risk of maltreatment to prevent the escalation of abuse and serious consequences. Proposals suggest a multi-level approach to address the needs of low - and moderate- risk families as well as high-risk families. Other proposals recommend improvements in ...

National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being: State Child Welfare Agency Survey. Report.
Author(s): National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being Research Group
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Year Published: 2001 - 74 pages
Forty-six state child welfare administrators were interviewed by telephone from March 2000 to August 2000 for the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being sponsored by the Children's Bureau. The survey requested information about child welfare policies and practices and the impact of recent Federal legislation, including the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the Multiethnic Placement Act, and the Foster Care Independence Act. The majority of administrators indicated that the ASFA has influenced changes in practices regarding child safety, permanency, collaboration with the courts, and data collection. One-third of the administrators noted discrepancies ...

Prevention in Action: Tips From the Field
Author(s): National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information (HHS)
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Year Published: 2001 - 8 pages
This bulletin describes strategies for ensuring the effectiveness of child abuse prevention programs. The suggestions include forming partnerships with other community agencies; developing services to meet the needs of the target population; using volunteers and former clients to staff the program; and evaluating the success of prevention efforts. Comments from eight model programs are highlighted throughout the bulletin.

Effective Intervention in Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment Cases: Guidelines for Policy and Practice. Recommendations from the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Family Violence Department
Author(s): Schechter, Edleson
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Year Published: 1999 - 134 pages
This book by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges provides communities a framework to develop interventions and measure progress as they seek to improve their responses to families experiencing spouse abuse and child maltreatment. It presents community and institutional leaders with a context-setting tool to develop public policy aimed at keeping families safe and stable. The book is divided into 5 chapters. Chapter 1 articulates an overall principle of safety, well-being, and stability for all victims of family violence and the need to hold batterers accountable for their violence. In chapter 2, a series of principles are ...

Title IV-E Independent Living Programs: A Decade in Review
Author(s): Goldman, Capitani, Archambault
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Year Published: 1999 - 166 pages
Reports submitted by the states to the Administration on Children, Youth and Families from Fiscal Years 1987 to 1996 were analyzed for this study of trends in independent living services for foster care youth. Number of youth served, characteristics of youth, program characteristics and activities, barriers to service, and outcomes for youth are summarized. According to the statistics, more than twice as many youth were served in FY 1996 than in FY 1989. The number of youth served each year per state ranged from less than 10 to more than 9,000. Half of the youth served lived in ten states, ...

Children's Bureau Evaluation Handbook: A Companion to the Program Manager's Guide to Evaluation
Author(s): KRA Corporation
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Year Published: 1997 - 22 pages
This handbook, which is part of a series of guidebooks on program evaluation, explains program evaluation as it relates to issues specific to Children's Bureau-funded programs. It is a companion to "The Program Manager's Guide to Evaluation," a manual that provides general information on conducting program evaluations. The handbook is organized according to the following program areas funded by the Children's Bureau: early intervention and prevention services and family preservation, reunification, and permanency planning services. Sections on each of these program areas describe the program area, provide examples of the services offered by the program area, discuss the benefits of ...

The Program Manager's Guide to Evaluation: An Evaluation Handbook Series from the Administration on Children, Youth and Families
Author(s): KRA Corporation
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Year Published: 1997 - 150 pages
This manual provides an overview of the evaluation process, with special considerations for programs funded by the Administration for Children, Youth, and Families (ACYF). The text describes why evaluations are important and explains each step of the process, whether an outside evaluator is used or the evaluation is being conducted by in-house staff. Topics include: purpose, cost, types of evaluation teams, selecting and managing outside contractors, organizational preparation for the evaluation, evaluation plans, data collection, analysis, and reports. In general, program managers should determine a purpose for the evaluation, consider evaluation needs when designing the program, be an involved role ...




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Updated on July 30, 2004 by

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