ARLINGTON, VA, July 28, 2004 — The Defense Technical Information
Center (DTIC) was recently established as a Department of Defense
(DoD) Field Activity under the Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, reporting to the Director
of Defense Research and Engineering (DDR&E). This concludes
the center’s term as a DISA organization.
The announcement was made June 4 in a decision memorandum signed
by Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense.
As the provider of DoD technical information, DTIC serves as
a vital link in the transfer of information among DoD personnel,
DoD contractors and potential contractors, and other U.S. government
agency personnel and their contractors. DTIC is also responsible
for the provision of Web services to over 100 DoD web sites, including
the DoD home page, DefenseLink.
DTIC is the central collection and dissemination point for DoD's
scientific reports, with over 2 million collected since its inception
in World War II, and an annual acquisition of over 25-30,000 new
reports. DTIC also oversees the management of 11 DoD Information
Analysis Centers that are tasked to provide technical and analytical
services to areas of critical DoD interest.
DTIC had several accomplishments while a part of DISA, including
a role as a pioneer in knowledge management. In 1999, it became
one of the first government agencies to establish a chief knowledge
DTIC employees also supported Operation Iraqi Freedom with Web
site support for DefenseLink and DefendAMERICA, two frequently
visited sites. In March 2003, DefendAMERICA, designed to provide
DoD news to the general public, was being accessed more than 600,000
times each day.
“DTIC leaves a legacy in DISA of superb managers of information
content – and for that alone, we are indebted to DTIC’s
leadership, dedication and professionalism,” said Air Force
Lieutenant General Harry D. Raduege, DISA’s director.