Welcome to Office of Travel & Tourism Industries (OTTI) Website






In order to better serve our clients, we are in the process of installing an upgraded server and we hope to re-launch the site as soon as possible. 


Work continues on all programs at OTTI while this new equipment is installed and tested.


In the interim, if you need data, please fax us your request so we may respond by either sending you an Excel file, Word document, or, fax you the information requested. 


The fax number is 202-482-2887.


On your fax to us:  Please don’t forget to include complete contact information:  name, company, phone, fax and email so we can use the appropriate means to respond to your request. 


As you can imagine, this situation has dramatically increased the number of requests the office is being asked to handle.  As a result, it may take up to a few days for us to be able to respond to your request.  Please know, however, that we will respond as quickly as possible.


Thank you for your understanding and patience.















Attention Travel Barometer Survey Respondents:  to access the current survey, please go to http://travelmi.sysplan.com.