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Federal Relay Service (FRS)

Dialogue Examples

TTY Caller to Voice (dial 1-800-877-8339)

CA: Federal Relay Service, CA (1234), F or M (for female or male). Can I have the number you are calling please, GA? (Go Ahead)

TTY Caller: Hello, I am calling from (your agency name). Please dial 303-555-2222 GA (Go Ahead)

CA: Thank you Dialing …..1…..2….3.. Hello GA (Go Ahead)

TTY Caller: Hi, I would like to speak with John Smith GA (Go Ahead)

Voice Caller to TTY (dial 1-800-877-8339)

CA: Federal Relay Service, CA (1234), F or M (for female or male). Can I have the number you are calling please, GA? (Go Ahead)

Voice Caller: Hello, I am calling from (your agency name). Please dial 303-555-2222 GA (Go Ahead)

CA: Please hold while I connect your call. Hi, John Smith GA (Go Ahead)

Voice Caller: Hi John, How are you? This is Sarah. I am calling to see if you can come to the Office of Personnel (OOP) tomorrow. GA (Go Ahead)

TTY reply: Hi Sarah. Yes I can come to the OOP tomorrow. How about two o'clock? GA (Go Ahead)

When the conversation is complete and both parties are ready to hang up, the CA will say, "Thank you for using the Federal Relay Service."

Federal Relay Service (FRS) logo
