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[print friendly version]United States map showing the location of Michigan
map of the state of MichiganDEA Offices & Telephone Nos.
East Lansing—517-337-6604
Grand Rapids—616-458-0616

  State Facts
  Population: 9,990,817
  Law Enforcement Officers: 23,228
  State Prison Population: 67,100
  Probation Population: 170,967
  Violent Crime Rate
  National Ranking:
  2003 Federal Drug Seizures
  Cocaine: 81.9 kgs.
  Heroin: 28.3 kgs.
  Methamphetamine: 3.6 kgs.
  Marijuana: 6,563.1 kgs.
  Ecstasy: 18,474
  Methamphetamine Laboratories: 275 (DEA, state, and local)

Drug Situation: Cocaine, Heroin and Marijuana continue to be the primary drug threats in the state of Michigan. Narcotic traffickers of varying degrees are supplied with controlled substances from source cities and areas from around the country. In addition, traffickers of Russian, Israeli and Middle Eastern descent, as well as Vietnamese Criminal Syndicates are involved in the importation and distribution of MDMA, with the Metropolitan Detroit area serving as a transshipment point. Much of the MDMA is obtained through sources of supply based in Toronto, Ontario. Detroit-based Middle Eastern Trafficking groups distributing large quantities of pseudoephedrine prior to the successes of Operation Mountain Express III and Northern Star have now focused their efforts on the distribution of MDMA.

photo - cocaineCocaine: Within Michigan, the primary emphasis continues to be placed on targeting major cocaine distribution and transportation organizations. The larger metropolitan areas of Michigan continue to experience high availability in cocaine trafficking and abuse. Wholesalers utilize the major cities as distribution centers for smaller cities. Wholesale distribution cells operating in these metropolitan areas are managed and directed by command and control cells operating along the Southwest Border, New York, Los Angeles and Miami.

The primary ethnic groups that dominate cocaine trafficking are large Mexican and Dominican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) with local distribution cells and links to Colombian cartels, and local African American distribution organizations that typically have Mexican sources of supply. A large majority of the cocaine transported to Michigan by these Mexican and African American organizations is transported in personal vehicles equipped with traps and/or concealed within the legitimate cargo on large semi tractor-trailers.

In purity levels between 60% and 90%, cocaine remains the primary drug threat in Michigan.

photo - opium poppyHeroin: Heroin is widely available throughout the Detroit area and the more densely populated areas of Michigan. Heroin destined for the Michigan region continues to originate from different parts of the world. Large quantities of heroin are imported from South America, Mexico and Africa. Southeast and Southwest Asian heroin are prevalent in the metropolitan Detroit area. However, the DMP shows that South American heroin is the most abundant type of heroin in the Detroit area. Major heroin traffickers in Michigan are mainly Nigerian, African American and Hispanic. The City of Detroit continues to serve as both a point of consumption and a transshipment point to other communities in Michigan and Ohio.

Methamphetamine Labs Seized: 1999=10, 2000=21, 2001=121, 2002=228, 2003=275photo - methamphetamineMethamphetamine: Methamphetamine continues to be available in the State of Michigan with the western and northern counties experiencing an increase in the amount of locally produced and Mexican methamphetamine. A recent seizure of ½ kilogram of methamphetamine in Detroit supports the assertion that methamphetamine is being transported from the western part of the state into the Metropolitan Detroit area increasing the availability of methamphetamine.

photo - club drugsMDMA and Other Club Drugs: The international border between the United States and Canada, particularly in the metropolitan Detroit area, serves as a conduit for the transshipment of predatory and club drugs like MDMA and GHB. Fueled by the vigorous trafficking of Russian, Israeli, Middle Eastern and Vietnamese criminal syndicates, large amounts of MDMA enter the U.S. distribution market through ports of entry covered by our Division’s AOR. While a large portion of the MDMA available in U.S. cities is clandestinely manufactured in Western Europe and the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg), an even greater proportion is trafficked through our international border with Canada. Much of this MDMA is obtained from sources of supply based in Toronto, Ontario. MDMA also enters the U.S. drug market from Western Europe via frequent non-stop flights into the Detroit Metropolitan Airport.

Recent intelligence indicates that Detroit-based Middle Eastern trafficking groups, distributing large quantities of pseudoephedrine prior to the successes of Operation Mountain Express III and Northern Star, have now focused their efforts on the distribution of MDMA. Chaldean (Iraqi Christians) criminal organizations operating in the metropolitan Detroit area frequently utilize couriers to smuggle multi-thousand quantity dosage units of MDMA in personal vehicles across the border into the United States. MDMA is then distributed at local rave parties and College and University campuses in Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky. Our Division has experienced an increase in MDMA use and abuse due to the large volume of Colleges and Universities operating within our area of responsibility.

Current MDMA investigations in our Division reveal that multi-thousand dosage unit quantities of the drug are being transported into our Division from New York, NY. Russian criminal syndicates controlling and operating in the metropolitan New York area are supplying Russian distributors in our area of responsibility. These organizations are utilizing traditional concealment methods such as personal vehicles equipped with traps and couriers on aircraft, buses and Amtrak trains to transport the MDMA into our Division.

MDMA distribution cells, operating in the greater metropolitan Detroit area have direct ties to a large-scale MDMA manufacturing plant in the Netherlands. Intelligence indicates that the organization has ties to large-scale drug traffickers and criminal syndicates throughout the world. The organization has direct access to multi-millions of MDMA tablets being manufactured at the clandestine laboratory in the Netherlands.

photo - marijuana plantDEA logoMarijuana: Marijuana continues to be the most commonly used and readily available illicit drug throughout the state of Michigan. Marijuana is popular among every racial and ethnic group in the region and is particularly popular among high school students. Canadian indoor grown marijuana smuggled to the Division is often known as British Columbia Bud (B.C. Bud). This particular type of marijuana has a much higher tetrahydrcannabinol (THC) content than domestic and Mexican produced marijuana and demand has grown significantly as a result. The increased demand has resulted in significant increases in marijuana seizures occurring at ports of entry within Michigan. Multi-hundred pound seizures of Canadian grown marijuana transported in tractor-trailers, trash haulers, automobiles and railroad cars have occurred with increasing and alarming frequency. Considering that the ambassador Bridge at the Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario port of Entry (POE) is the busiest commercial land border entry port in the world, it is no wonder that detecting marijuana commingled with legitimate goods such as earth worms, futon mattresses, metal lockers and trash, is a daunting task.

The smuggling of marijuana from Canada, via Michigan, into the United States via watercraft has been suspected without substantiation for many years and has resulted in a new method of concealment for marijuana traffickers. The ease of travel without detection across the narrow body of water that separates several areas of Ontario and Michigan cannot be overly expressed. The large number of pleasure watercraft registered in Michigan and the province of Ontario provide substantial opportunity for legitimate travel, recreation and also smuggling.

Although Canadian BC Bud is finding its way into mainstream drug markets in Michigan, Mexican and African American trafficking organizations, with Mexico-based sources of supply and ties to the Southwest Border, are responsible for the lion share of marijuana distributed in Michigan. These organizations continue to utilize traditional trafficking routes and concealment methods to transport marijuana into Michigan. Recent trafficking trends and seizures indicate that they are responsible for distributing multi-thousand pound quantities on a monthly basis.

African-American trafficking organizations transport marijuana into our Division from the Southwest Border utilizing personal vehicles, semi-trucks and tractor-trailers. Two recent multi-ton seizures revealed that the organization was commingling the marijuana with legitimate shipments of produce. This is a common trend utilized by Mexican drug trafficking organizations operating along the Southwest Border.

A recent 4.8 million-dollar seizure in Michigan supports the assertion that large, multi-ton shipments of marijuana are destined for Michigan from the Southwest Border on a monthly basis. In this instance, the money seized was from a large-scale Mexican trafficking group with direct links back to a major Mexican marijuana drug trafficking organization operating out or Mexico. The money seized has been linked to multiple, large multi-ton shipments of marijuana, which were transported to Michigan and other cities in the mid-west.

photo - ecstasy pillsOxyContin: OxyContin demand is increasing throughout the state. The Michigan Automated Prescription System (MAPS) program indicates that the state’s OxyContin prescriptions have increased by 31%. Michigan is ranked 30th for it OxyContin comsumption per capita. Straits Area Narcotic Enforcement (SANE) Task Force, located in Cheboygan County, Michigan reported that 90% of the problems encountered is related to OxyContin. The number of charges for OxyContin abuse has increased. In 2002 there were 37 charges and in 2003 there were 60. OxyContin abusers are obtaining this drug through break-ins and robberies, doctor shopping, stealing from legitimate patients, selling parts of legitimate prescriptions, home break-ins and forged prescriptions.

Drug-Violation Arrests: 1999=780, 2000=668, 2001=511, 2002=443, 2003=423DEA Mobile Enforcement Teams: This cooperative program with state and local law enforcement counterparts was conceived in 1995 in response to the overwhelming problem of drug-related violent crime in towns and cities across the nation. There have been 409 deployments completed resulting in 16,763 arrests of violent drug criminals as of February 2004. There have been ten MET deployments in the State of Michigan since the inception of the program: Pontiac, Ypsilanti, Lincoln Park/Melvindale, Inkster, Muskegon, Benton Harbor, Mt. Clemens, Flint, Lansing, and Detroit.

DEA Regional Enforcement Teams: This program was designed to augment existing DEA division resources by targeting drug organizations operating in the United States where there is a lack of sufficient local drug law enforcement. This Program was conceived in 1999 in response to the threat posed by drug trafficking organizations that have established networks of cells to conduct drug trafficking operations in smaller, non-traditional trafficking locations in the United States. Nationwide, there have been 22 deployments completed resulting in 608 arrests of drug trafficking criminals as of February 2004. There have been no RET deployments in the State of Michigan.

Special Topics HIDTA: In 2002, based on drug trafficking trends, specifically the increased production of methamphetamine in the western portion of Michigan, additional funding was secured from ONDCP to expand HIDTA. This expansion was comprised of the addition of the five counties of Allegan, Genesee, Kalamazoo, Kent, and Van Buren. The HIDTA is now known as the Michigan HIDTA and its area of responsibility includes the cities of Grand Rapids, Flint, Kalamazoo, and Detroit accounting for approximately 60% of the population of Michigan.

The Michigan HIDTA is responsible for supplying funding and assistance to twenty-two initiatives, of which seventeen are federal, state and local drug task forces. These initiatives have been designed to address specific drug-related threats in their areas of responsibility. The Michigan HIDTA also funds an Intelligence Support and Deconfliction Center (ISDC) located in Detroit. The mission of the ISDC is to provide law enforcement agencies with timely deconfliction and intelligence support through the sharing of multi-agency information related to international and domestic narcotics trafficking, violent crimes, and terrorists activities.

Currently, the following agencies participate in the Michigan HIDTA: Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Internal Revenue Service, Bureau of Immigration & Customs Enforcement, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Marshall Service, Michigan State Police, Detroit Police Department, Grand Rapids PD, Kalamazoo PD, Flint PD, Sheriff’s Departments from the nine HIDTA counties, Michigan National Guard, Michigan Office of Drug Control Policy and many other local law enforcement agencies.

More information about the Detroit Division Office.


Factsheet last updated: 2/2004

Click here for last year's 2003 factsheet>>