108th Congress, 2nd Session
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October 17, 2004
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Home > Committee Information > Committtee Activities

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Committee Activities
Records of Committee Activities

Committee Reports
Search by word, phrase, report number, bill number, or name of a Committee.

Conference Committee Reports
Reports made to the current Congress.

Committee Schedules, Hearings, and Oversight Plans

The schedule for House committee hearings.

Daily Committee Schedule
A detailed schedule of House Committee meetings for the current legislative day.

Committee Jurisdictions
Outlines the jurisdiction of each of the standing committees.
Committee Directories


Standing Committees Directory
Committee and Subcommittee rosters

Committees and Subcommittees Telephone Directory
Official on-line version of the Committees and Subcommittees telephone directory. [PDF]

Committee Web Site Directory
Web sites of the Committees of the House



Contact Your Representative
  (Write Your Representative Icon and Link)Write Your Representative
Identify and contact your Representative using the Write Your Representative feature on the House Web site.


Committee Reports and Hearings
  (Committee Reports Icon and Link) Committee Reports and Hearings
Verbatim records of hearings held by committees.


Committee Jurisdictions
  Committee Jurisdictions
Outlines the jurisdiction of each of the standing committees.



Committee Activities | Committee FAQs

Page last modified: March 26, 2004

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