108th Congress, 2nd Session
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October 19, 2004
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Learning About Congress
General Information about Congress

About the U.S. Congress

History of Congress
United States Legislative Branch Resources
Understanding the Legislative Process

Legislative Information

Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation
U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774-1873 (Library of Congress)
Explore this on-line exhibit about congressional debates.

Congressional Research Service Reports
CRS Reports about the House and its Proceedings made available by the House Committee on Rules.

Legislative information, including committee information, bills, public laws, and the Congressional Record.

List of Educational Resources
A list of documents related to the legislative process and of interest to the public, including "How Our Laws Are Made."

Learning about the United States Senate
The institutional history of the Senate, its powers and procedures, and the evolution of important leadership and staff positions.

The Learning Page
Designed to help teachers, students, and others use the American Memory digital collections from the Library of Congress. Provides guidance for finding and using items within these primary source collections. Includes lesson plans for teachers.

Kids in the House
The Clerk's Kids in the House Web site teaches students about the American government, House members and committees, House history, and how laws are made.


Kids in the House
  (Kids in the House Icon and Link) Kids in the House
Learn about the Clerk, the Capitol, and Congress.


How a Bill Becomes a Law
  (How a Bill Becomes a Law) How Our Laws Are Made
Learn about the process of creating legislation.


United States Museums
  (U.S. Museums)U.S. Museums
Museums provide valuable educational resources all around the U.S.



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Page last modified: March 19, 2004

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