108th Congress, 2nd Session
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October 17, 2004
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House Documents
Obtaining House Documents

On-line House Documents and Legislative Information Systems
Congressional bills, resolutions, and committee reports are available electronically via THOMAS (Library of Congress) and ACCESS (Government Printing Office).

Printed Copies of Documents for House Distribution
Printed copies of bills and resolutions, public laws, committee reports, and House documents for the current Congress are distributed to House members and staff through the Legislative Resource Center (LRC). Public laws and House documents for two preceding Congresses are available for distribution to staff.

Printed Copies of Documents for Public Distribution
A limited quantity of House documents are available for public distribution through the Legislative Resource Center at B106 Cannon HOB. The public may also order documents by phone at (202) 226-5200 for delivery via postal mail. Documents can also be purchased through the Superintendent of Documents and GPO Bookstores. The Congress also makes many congressional documents available through the Federal Depository Library Program and its 1,400 affiliated libraries.

House Document Quick Links



Congressional bills, resolutions, and committee reports.

Congressional bills, resolutions, and committee reports.

Legislative Resource Center
Public information, legislative information, records and registration, library services, historical services.

Superintendent of Documents
Official Federal Government information for all branches.

GPO Bookstore
Official online bookstore for U.S. Government publications available for purchase.

Federal Depository Library Program
Locate Federal Depository Libraries by state or area code.



House Floor Proceedings
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Congressional Schedule
October 2004
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10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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House Floor Proceedings

(House Floor Proceedings Icon and Link)Use the drop down menu to view Floor proceedings for the last 7 legislative days.



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Page last modified: November 17, 2003

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