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Afghan President Karzai Thanks U.S. Troops for Serving in Afghanistan

Afghan President Hamid Karzai expressed his gratitude to U.S. troops for their service in Afghanistan, fighting terror and rebuilding the country.

"To those of you who have served in Afghanistan, my deepest gratitude. And to those who made the ultimate sacrifice on Afghan soil, we, the people of Afghanistan, mourn them as we mourn our own," Karzai said in a speech to U.S. troops stationed at Fort Drum, New York, June 8.

Karzai said that in liberating and rebuilding Afghanistan, much has been accomplished. He added, "We have a long road to travel, but I am confident that together we will succeed."

Following is the transcript of Karzai's speech

Office of the President

Statement by His Excellency Hamid Karzai
President of the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan

Presented To

US Troops at Fort Drum
New York
8 June 2004

Senator (Hilary) Clinton,
General (Dan) McNeil,
Major General (Lloyd) Austin,
Ladies and gentlemen! Good afternoon!

I am pleased to begin my visit to the U.S. by meeting with the men and women who are at the forefront of war against terrorism.

On behalf of the Afghan people, I thank those of you who have served in Afghanistan. With your help we have reclaimed our country from terror and oppression.

Today, we have a functioning government in Afghanistan. We have a constitution. We have a national army, which you are helping to train. We have a new election law. We will soon have elections, for the first time in the history of our country, to elect our leader. Our economy is growing. Roads are being built. Schools are being repaired and reopened, and new schools are being built. We are moving towards lasting stability and democracy.

Ladies and gentlemen!

Despite our remarkable achievements, we have many challenges as well. We have a long road to travel, but I am confident that together we will succeed.

To those of you who have served in Afghanistan, my deepest gratitude. And to those who made the ultimate sacrifice on Afghan soil, we, the people of Afghanistan, mourn them as we mourn our own. I would like to take a moment to pay special tribute to those brave men of the Tenth Mountain Division who gave their lives in Afghanistan - and to their families, I say, my deepest sympathy and gratitude.

May their souls rest in peace! They are the heroes of liberty and peace.

To those of you who will serve in Afghanistan, I welcome you and wish you a safe tour of duty. I also urge you to learn as much as you can about Afghanistan and its people. This knowledge will give you more enjoyment of your time in Afghanistan, and a deeper appreciation of our people and our ways. And it is my fond hope that one day, when your military days are over, you will return to Afghanistan, with your families, as our guests and our friends.

Thank you. May God bless you!

Embassy of the United States