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NATO to Send Additional Troops to Support Afghan Elections

NATO will be sending additional troops to the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan (ISAF) in order to provide security support for the country's October 9 presidential elections.

According to a July 23 NATO press release, the NATO-led provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs) will be augmented as needed to provide additional security on the local level.

In addition, two battalions will be sent to bolster ISAF's reaction capabilities. A battalion of Spanish troops will provide the ISAF quick reaction force, and an Italian battalion will provide the in-theatre operational reserve force.

The additional forces will deploy to Afghanistan by September and remain there for eight weeks, according to the press release.

The NATO press release added, "As requested by President Karzai, Afghan authorities will retain primary responsibility for security throughout the election process."

Following is the text of the press release

NATO Press Release
(2004) 114
23 July 2004

NATO to provide support for the presidential elections in Afghanistan

The NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, is pleased to announce the decision by the North Atlantic Council to approve detailed military advice on ISAF support for the presidential elections, scheduled for 9 October 2004. This decision follows the declaration by NATO Heads of State and Government at the Istanbul Summit and implements NATO's decision to assist the Afghan authorities in providing security during the election period, within means and capabilities.

As requested by President Karzai, Afghan authorities will retain primary responsibility for security throughout the election process.

ISAF support for the presidential elections will be configured to provide additional forces at two levels in theatre. A first level will be located at the NATO-led Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs). Augmentation of PRTs will be matched to the local security situation, as determined by lead nations, in consultation with COMISAF.

A second level in theatre will consist of one battalion provided by Spain and one battalion provided by Italy, with supporting elements. The Spanish battalion will provide the ISAF Quick Reaction Force and the Italian battalion will provide the in-theatre Operational Reserve Force. The Italian battalion is an element of NRF 3.

These additional forces will deploy to Afghanistan by September and will remain for about 8 weeks to cover the election period.

NATO remains committed to assist the Afghan authorities in the conduct of successful elections, as a crucial milestone in the democratic development and peaceful evolution of Afghanistan.

Embassy of the United States