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Defense Department Report, July 12: Wolfowitz Trip to Ankara, Kabul

Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz will discuss security issues with key leaders in Turkey and Afghanistan during a brief trip to the region that begins July 13, a senior Defense Department official says.

Wolfowitz will travel first to Istanbul to deliver a speech to the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation, then travel to Afghanistan, and return to Turkey where he will be joined by additional U.S. officials for high-level meetings, according to a senior defense official, who briefed reporters at the Pentagon July 12.

The official, who did not wish to be identified, said the trip has been planned for months and is not connected to current events in Turkey. The Turks "have a functioning government and we have an important relationship" with them, he said, adding that making the trip "underlines the significance the U.S. attributes to Turkey's role in the region." Turkey is "an important ally."

The issues on the agenda in Ankara -- during Wolfowitz's meetings with Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit, his president, defense minister and others July 16 and 17 -- will be defense cooperation, NATO and European Union matters. The U.S. defense official indicated that Iraq also would likely be discussed since Turkey and Iraq are neighbors. It will be an opportunity to hear Turkey's thoughts and insights about Iraq, he said.

Pressed about Iraq, the official said U.S. policy supports a change of regime in Baghdad, but the president has not approved a military plan. While in Turkey, Wolfowitz will be joined by Air Force General Joe Ralston, commander of the U.S. European Command, and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Marc Grossman.

In Afghanistan July 15, Wolfowitz will meet with President Hamid Karzai, Defense Minister Fahim Khan and Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah. They will discuss military operations, training of the new Afghan Army, and the International Security Assistance Force, which is under Turkish leadership. The official said they would be discussing Operation Enduring Freedom and, in particular, how to eliminate civilian casualties during the operation to eliminate pockets of al-Qaida and Taliban resistance.

Wolfowitz will meet with U.S. and coalition forces in Bagram before returning to Turkey. He will be back in Washington on July 18.