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Department of the Interior
Department of the Interior
  Welcome Index DOI News Contact US DOI Home
Bullet DOI Activitiesnew vertical line
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Bullet Initiatives  more
Bullet Healthy Forests
Bullet Improving National Parks
Bullet Water 2025
Bullet Cooperative Conservation
Bullet Take Pride in America
Bullet National Energy Plan
Bullet Management Excellence
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Bullet Issues of Interest
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Bullet How do I?  more
Bullet Get a National Parks Pass?
Bullet Trace Indian Ancestry?
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Bullet DOI Quick Facts
Quick Fact Images
DOI manages 507 million acres of surface land, or about one-fifth of the land in the U.S.
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BulletDOI en Espaņol
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Bullet For DOI Employees
Bullet DOI DC Operating Status
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Bullet DOI Jobs
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Bullet Teacher Resources
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Bullet Children's Pages
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Bullet Bureaus and Offices
Bullet DOI Key Officials
Bullet DOI History
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Bullet Webcams
Bullet Old Faithful
Bullet Mammoth Hot Springs
Bullet Glacier National Park
Bullet Grand Canyon
Bullet Big Bend National Park
Old Faithful
Old Faithful webcam is one of several webcams available in National Parks.
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DOI Initiatives
Improving Our National Parks
BulletMaintenance Backlog "Partnering and Managing for Excellence"
BulletNatural Resource Challenge
BulletNatural Resources Year in Review

Promoting Healthy Forests
BulletHealthy Forests Initiative
BulletNational Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)

Improve Management of Public Lands
BulletEverglades Restoration
BulletNational Invasive Species Council
BulletInvasive Species
BulletNational Wetlands Inventory
BulletWhite House Council on Environmental Quality
BulletWilderness in America
BulletWildland Fire Leadership Council

Managing Water in the West
BulletColorado River Water Agreement
BulletWater 2025
BulletPreventing Crises and Conflict

Protecting Endangered Species and Wildlife Habitat
BulletCritical Habitat
BulletEndangered Species Information
BulletSpecies Recovery
BulletPolicy for Evaluation of Conservation Efforts (PECE)
BulletConservation Banking

Improving Management of Departmental Resources
BulletManagement Excellence

Promoting Public and Private Partnerships
BulletPartnerships at Interior
BulletGrants and Financial Assistance
BulletLandowner Incentive Program
BulletOffice of Educational Partnerships
BulletPrivate Stewardship Grants
BulletCooperative Conservation
BulletPartners for Fish and Wildlife

Improving Quality of Life for Indian Tribes and Island Communities
BulletNative Americans
BulletIndian Trust
BulletInsular Affairs and Territories

Protecting Our Nation's Treasures
BulletPreserve America
BulletDiscovering America's Natural Heritage
BulletWelcoming Researchers to National Parks
BulletLighthouse Preservation

Promoting Responsible Energy Policy
BulletRocky Mountain Energy Council
BulletIncreasing Availability of Renewable Energy Resources
BulletNatural Gas
BulletDOI Role in President's Energy Policy
BulletDeveloping Energy Resources on Public Lands
BulletTAPS Renewal
BulletNational Petroleum Reserve - Alaska
BulletOffshore Energy Development
Bullet Economic Incentives to Promote Offshore Energy Development
BulletMountaintop Mining

Answering the President's Call to Service
BulletTake Pride in America
BulletUSA Freedom Corps

Encouraging Recreation on Public Lands
BulletBLM Recreation Guide
BulletImproving Opportunities for Hunters and Anglers
BulletRecreation Fees

Fulfilling DOI's International Responsibilities
Bullet International Affairs Office
Bullet MMS International Activities Program

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Department of the Interior Department of the Interior Department of the Interior